Can I plant a seed removed from a freshly cured bud ?


Well-Known Member
Can I plant a seed removed from a freshly cured bud ?

Got some pretty nice looking stuff here off a seed given to me from a friend. Tasted it just off the screen and it smokes nice and should cure out to be kick azz. Mustve had a light issue cause it must have a slight case of hermie providing just a few seeds. Can I plant em?

Funny, I was just thinking, up to about a decade ago I was cussin the lil things and now, with a good variety finding one is like getting the pize from the bottom of ghe Cracker Jacks box.


Well-Known Member
lol, well thanks for that, Anything I can do such as waiting a prescribed amount of time before planting, or perhaps freezing the seed for vernilization as some of the alfalfas or clovers?


Well-Known Member
Yeah sure you can, why not?
Not sure sand, just havent tried "fresh" seedsbefore. Got to thinkin on it and it occured to me that perhaps the seed needed some hardening off or further ripening. Probly in fact, just overthinking it,
But..., like i say, the only dumb question is the one your too stoned to remember..,


Well-Known Member
Not sure sand, just havent tried "fresh" seedsbefore. Got to thinkin on it and it occured to me that perhaps the seed needed some hardening off or further ripening. Probly in fact, just overthinking it,
But..., like i say, the only dumb question is the one your too stoned to remember..,
I do believe they tend to have a higher germination rate if they "ripen" a bit, but I've done it both ways and have had success with both methods. If you have enough seeds, do an experiment. Pop 10 fresh seeds in dirt, and keep a log and do the same with seeds you let age a bit. In either case you'll end up with some smokeable pot. So, what have you got to lose?


Well-Known Member
This thread is actually asking;

Can I plant a cannabis seed that has come from a cannabis plant?

In my eyes it is the same as someone asking "Can I get chicken meat from this chicken I've just butchered?" or even "If I boil this egg my chicken just laid will it be a boiled egg when I eat it?"


New Member
Do not put all your beans down as some genetics will need a cure time and others wont from my experience , the later is more rare though as most will germinate right off the mother plant but there are always those that wont . I don't normally grow them out immediately upon harvest but some crosses just have to be grown out asap .


Well-Known Member
yes,these are mine,brown pots are (killakush) others are from my weed deals,infact i believe they could be better then other seeds as for example somebody buyssome white widdow seeds uses the same plant for cuttings for 10 grows you buy some of that weed youve gotten stronger genetics?im not 100 percent of this theory but it seems like common sense to me i unnoView attachment 2635095


Well-Known Member
I thought taking clones dropped the strength. So a tenth generation clone from clone from clone will always be weaker than the mother. (fully accepting I may be wrong on this)


Well-Known Member
I thought taking clones dropped the strength. So a tenth generation clone from clone from clone will always be weaker than the mother. (fully accepting I may be wrong on this)
Weaker in plant vigor, or weaker in potency?


Well-Known Member
to work fine % of germ might suffer a tad an improve after dried couple weeks
but still will be happy could be happier
ive done many a times


Well-Known Member
I've also read and heard that you can put them in the freezer to simulate the winter months and get them ready and viable. Most breeders recommend not to use fresh beans.