can i put clones under a 600w hps light?


Well-Known Member
Only if u plan on frying some marijuana lol. Get urself a 10.00 bathroom light bar and some 14-23watt cfls and make urself a clone light. 600w hps is waaaaaay to intense light for clones unless they have rooted


Well-Known Member
ye even the duel spec sunmatser bulbs are to intense. they need very little light unlike seedlings, i use a small one tube florescent that that i got from the local hydro shop for 5 quid, does them great till the root and ready to move, but then they dont go under my 600 hundreds, they have a week or so under a t5, they just seem to respond better this way


Well-Known Member
when they have rooted i would say so yes...are they rooted yet? i used two 400W HPS for my rooted clones and they are fine now....
when they have rooted i would say so yes...are they rooted yet? i used two 400W HPS for my rooted clones and they are fine now....
yeah there rooted mostly i just need to free up space in my room cause my mother is bigger than the rest of the newly transplanted clones and theyre under a t5 for now but ima switch it to a hps


Active Member
as long as its not too close and the clones aren't too hot its fine. I put mine in the shade of bigger plants if I'm vegging with HPS