Can i put my fertilized female back in my flowering room yet? Should I rinse her off

I have a very handsome male White Widdow which I put out in a camper way out back so I could collect his pollen. I took out a female plant that was 15 days into flowering and hand brushed pollen on the flower heads. By the time I had finished a horrendous storm rolled in, so I left her in there. and she has been in there for two days. I went to look at her this morning and she is covered in pollen (argh). So, I do not want to put her back into my flower room will all this pollen all over her, so can I rinse her off, or am I just going to have to leave her outdoors at this point? Also, how long does it take for a fertilization to take/the female know she's been fertilized?



Active Member
within 5-7 days you should see the pistals in the areas u pollinated brown and receed back into the calax. dont quote me on the days but that sounds about right. if she has been in there for 2 days i would say a light blowdry (outside and no heat) and perhaps a really good bath. under leaves and all. if u let that male release his love juice in that RV then be careful next time u use it to pollinate again if ur gonna do it soon. wouldnt want last years pollen getting into this years grow. goodtimez


Well-Known Member
funny question. there is this protector spray made from sap. would this maybe hold the loose pollen to the bud?



Well-Known Member
Just give the plant a mist down,with a water hose.I like to wait until the 3rd week of 12/12 to pollinate.I also would'nt have pollinated the whole plant,maybe a few nugs would've been enough.