Can i recycle old root's and stalk's


Well-Known Member
I stayed in a holiday inn express one time!

I dry the leafs and crush them over my soil. the stems go to the compost bins in the garden.


Well-Known Member
@greasemonkeymann I run flood tables with smart pots so they sit for a while soaking up the good good, I would hate to get rot and run through every other issue just to find it was dem old roots. I should pay more attention to a soilweb a term admittedly new to me, the more readily available nutrients the better. My soils aren't as alive as they should be, more chealting wouldn't hurt. I'm kinda cheating by running sf-100 every other week breaking down those salt build ups as I go. Besides that I add very little other than to correct on the fly.

Next go I'll focus on my soils well being, keep all else the same, I'm pretty dialed in at this point.... Kinda haha
Yes worm bins and feed it all the ammendments us the extra scrap and you will have a Rockin soil. I used my 15 gal pots for 2 ruNs and started showing some defs. I had an old bottle of Neptune's harvest fish hydroslate I believe. I put that into my 6 gal vortex brewer for 40 hours with alot of molasses prob 3-4 heavy tablespoons atleast per gallon. I made 10 gallons of tea and used only that and did not add anything for months. My soil become so dry prior I killed everything in soil so I used fish to get it going again.