can i remove all soil from plants roots and repot


Well-Known Member
Im reviving this because I think I might try this with my neighbors plants, he asked for my help. His garden soil is poisonous or something. Everything in it is turning yellow and necrotic and dying, vegetables everything, even the weeds are dying. Its a big mud slop from all the heavy rains we've had and the plants are all yellow and sickly looking. Dig down about 6 inches and it fills up with water. Growth almost stopped on them for the last couple weeks. Ive tried everything so I think its time to pull them out and put them into pots. Im going to rinse the roots of the garden soil, then spread them out over the top of the fresh soil like when you spin a mop, the strings all fan out. Well thats the plan anyways haha I dont know if thats how it will go. I will then put some rooting hormone on the whole thing and cover with soil then water. Ill probably have to use a stake to stabilize them as the roots wont have any grip. Anyways just thought I would share this and Ill take pics and post results on this thread if I do end up doing this.


Well-Known Member
Extreme way to do it.
Male clone, been in the pot over a year
Small pot.

Root system
Gently hosed off the soil.
Chopped off some roots

Re potted in same pot with fresh soil

Ready to go indoors again after basking outside in the summer