Can I smoke weed or use a bong after a month from dental implant surgery?


Well-Known Member
Its been one month I got my dental Implant, not sure can I smoke a joint or a bong? Or will it fuck me up and my implant?
I feel edibles are the fastest and easiest way to get high and verry descrete.
I actually cannot think of a slower way to get high. Your body has to digest the food and metabolize the THC take at least 30 to 45 minutes minimal to feel the effects. Edibles are actually the slowest known way possible to get high. Now easy and discreet I can agree on.
I actually cannot think of a slower way to get high. Your body has to digest the food and metabolize the THC take at least 30 to 45 minutes minimal to feel the effects. Edibles are actually the slowest known way possible to get high. Now easy and discreet I can agree on.
Thats true its verry boring and slow to get high. Just siting there and waiting but its more potent. For example if your strain contains %15 thc wich is 1500mg of thc:weed:. Just one gram of %15 thc equals 150mg. A verry low tolarance person needs 10mg, a high tolarance 40mg to 75mg. So half a gram of 15% equales 75mg
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Ask your dentist how long before you can drink a smoothie or thick shake through a straw
Im good now I eat everthing and drink alot water. Problem is Im affraid of dry socket and if implant does not fuse ith jaw bone in proper or fails
Im good now I eat everthing and drink alot water. Problem is Im affraid of dry socket and if implant does not fuse ith jaw bone in proper or fails

the greatest danger is immediately after the tooth is pulled as the blood clot is solidifying, but once it does and tissue begins to fill in the hole, you should be good, just don't suck too hard
Should be good to go.

I had 2 implants last year.
$Hopefully my last$
Ask your dentist how long before you can drink a smoothie or thick shake through a straw
the greatest danger is immediately after the tooth is pulled as the blood clot is solidifying, but once it does and tissue begins to fill in the hole, you should be good, just don't suck too hard
sounds scary shits, for the smoke its safe?
Tell us about your experience with implants or braces.

Implants were painfull they drilled my gums my all jaw was shaking it was a bad experince. They did sedative me the injection was also pain. After it hurts I could not eat just siping water bad experince. Only thing is after 1 month you feel better. Honestly you feel better once they put the crowns bc in the begining you just have screw so unconfortable. After 2 weeks the crowns in that feels back to normal.
Interesting -I'm going to go through implant treatmentt - my dentist doesnt know I smoke weed, but she knows I smoke tobacco and shes heavily hinting the implants will fail a lot sooner than normal with smoking -

She hinted at about 10 years rather than 20yrs +, so its a huge dental bill when they eventualy fail, and if the gums/bones have degraded, replacing the implants might not be an option and I'll have to have traditional dentures.

Did your dentist prescibe decent pain killers post-proceedure? I've had several extractions of ruined teeth in preperation already, and got some pretty bad soreness - I dont think the usual paracetomol or ibrubrofen will cut it for a few days whils the soreness subsides?