Can I sow an autoflowering cannabis plant directly outside?

I was just wondering if I can sow an auto-flowering plant directly outside rather than starting off in a green house before moving it outside and is it best to give the seed a head start by putting it in water/wet kitchen roll until it germinates? Also do I start in a big pot or is it ok to start in a small pot and then transplant (I've heard that transplanting can distress them and stunt growth). I would prefer to start in a small pot if I have to start growing it indoors because I am placing the big plant pot in a remote location about 1/2 mile walk from my house so obviously a 20 litre pot of compost will be quite heavy and difficult to carry that distance lol.

Thanks guys I look forward to your answers and advice :-)


Active Member
If you want to plant outside and the weather is ok go directly outside. Autos don't like transplanting and they go into shock very easy.


Well-Known Member
i would start it inside once the weather gets war enough. then transplant it to your outside container after hardening it off. just dont allow it to get rootbound and you will be fine.
i would start it inside once the weather gets war enough. then transplant it to your outside container after hardening it off. just dont allow it to get rootbound and you will be fine.
Thanks for that...Sorry it I'm making myself sound like a right idiot hear. But what exactly does hardening off mean lol.


Active Member
as someone above pointed out autos dont like to be transplanted. If you are going to grow them outside in the ground, just start them in the ground.
hardening off is when you expose the plant to sunlight for the 1st time, you only let it get an hour or so of sun, then move it into the shade, the next day, put it back in the sun for 1-1/2 hours, next day leave it for 2 hours, etc. after about day 7-14 the plant should be ready to stay in the sun for good.
as someone above pointed out autos dont like to be transplanted. If you are going to grow them outside in the ground, just start them in the ground.
hardening off is when you expose the plant to sunlight for the 1st time, you only let it get an hour or so of sun, then move it into the shade, the next day, put it back in the sun for 1-1/2 hours, next day leave it for 2 hours, etc. after about day 7-14 the plant should be ready to stay in the sun for good.
Thanks for that pmumbry the most helpful advice so far as far as my circumstances are concerned. I'll go by the advice that you have given me. :-)