can i start a grow with this

The fertilizer is not ideal, buuut it WILL work.

Though you can't start with just that. You need a light source to, and some plants/seeds :p
usually people use one or the other, not both. the granules , on the package have an N-P-K ratio like every fertilizer, miracle grow is not the best liquid fertilizer to use, and might hurt the plant even by itself. the idea with granules is use it instead of liquid fertilizer. depending on your medium it would be bad to use both especially if you aren't sure the npk ratio of the granules. more important you might want to get dirt, a pot, maybe a lamp, a bulb of some sort.
ive often read on here that MG is not really an idea food i also made this mistake my first grow used MG light strangth and it still reaked havic on my girls