Can I still plant outside?

I have never grown before, and i know late july is very late to start growing outdoor (live in UK), but could i still get a decent crop if i germinate now and harvest in october?
growing in a greenhouse btw


Active Member
heard flower dont start till end of august late sept any yeild is better then no yeild!!! germinate now and see what happens but dont wait do it now i just stuck out two more plants a week ago do it!!!


Sector 5 Moderator
You could but they are not going to be very big. Your best bet would be to buy some autoflowering plants that go from seed to chop in about 60 days. Just don't order the shit from dutchbreed.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
might be worth germing them inside and potting them up and sticking them under 24hr light in side for a wk or 2 and then putting them out, i only suggest this so you can veg your plants aslong as possible before putting them out in theory you have a couple of wks til they start to flower so you could still get a decent yeild if you have some lights to put them under the bigger you can veg in this time the more you'll get mate. i got some outside in the uk aswell and i'd give it ago, lots of light mist them once, twice a wk that'll help speed them up with a foliar feed aswell but this does depend on lighting?


Active Member
try n get some clones so you can skip the germination process
Agreed. You should be able to get a clone or two and throw those outside. I just threw some clones I've had in veg for about a month outside. Still about another month before they are all out flowering, so they should get pretty decently sized. They love it out there. Put on two inches in about 4 days.


i've been putting out since april.........these last ones are 5 days old and they will be the last for this year
might be worth germing them inside and potting them up and sticking them under 24hr light in side for a wk or 2 and then putting them out, i only suggest this so you can veg your plants aslong as possible before putting them out in theory you have a couple of wks til they start to flower so you could still get a decent yeild if you have some lights to put them under the bigger you can veg in this time the more you'll get mate. i got some outside in the uk aswell and i'd give it ago, lots of light mist them once, twice a wk that'll help speed them up with a foliar feed aswell but this does depend on lighting? answer.