Well they been going inside for about 4nights a they still growing massive buds a smell amazing. I thank you all for your help a input has been massive amounts of help guys.
Moonlight is essential to their development as far as terps and thc and stuff.
Very interesting xtsho!@Johnny Lawrence is correct. Moonlight does have an effect on plant growth.
This is just one article with links to scientific studies from qualified organizations. More can be found if one looks. However, even though the moon effects plant growth it is not needed. In out artificial lighting environments plants see no moonlight and are subjected to total darkness for 12 hours during flower. The plants still develop very desirable flowers. I'd be interested to see what would happen if you were to simulate moonlight in a flower tent.
"While it may not be as widely recognized yet, it is becoming more clear that the moon also affects the flow of water through plants: sap moves more vigorously during the waxing phase as the moon grows to full, and slows down as the moon wanes to a thin morning crescent."
Can moonlight affect plant growth? - Permaculture Principles
Modern research is confirming many of the observations about how moonlight affects the growth of plants, but is just beginning to explain
Sweet. They look good mate. Most people keep their house at the same temp day and night and that can mess with your final quality and yield. And the temp has to drop at least a bit at night to allow the plant to rest from the days stress. When I grow indoors my dark temp is always 4 degrees cooler than light. If you dare, leave one outside as a comparison. You'll be surprised, I have been every time I've done it. Whenever you move and bump them, you can lose trichomes which no one wants to do. And some night insects love eating things that love weed more than us! They're not in your rumpus room. And any stress can affect your plant. As for moonlight, I think it's more to do with the lunar cycle itself and it's effects on water. Perhaps the moonlight does have an effect, it's seems logical, but I don't know for sure. Hydro setups don't get moonlight yet often seem to produce stronger buds than outdoor at the expense of flavour and aroma.Thanks mate I can't break them as they in pots a go thru a farely wide door space. The temperature is exactly the same as it's inside rumpus room rite up near windows an I move them at midnight until 5am so it's roughly same as outside. But I will keep an eye out for any signs of shock an if so I spose I'm spending alot of money an building a cage haha. Here's how they goin' so far so tell me if you notice any stress
I thought you were joking Johnny haha.You're wrong.
I beg to differ. These two were light depped from march 1st till harvest may 1st of last year. Outside 12 hrs inside, blacked out room 12 hrs. Moonlight has nothing to do with plant growth.View attachment 4473231View attachment 4473232
And Yes It is as easy as @Jay_Dreams says.I agree. I've done light dep greenhouses many times that never see the moon and turned out fine. I'd suggest not moving or doing so at the same time nightly and in the morning but as long as they're out when the sun is and in the dark when it isn't, you should be fine.
But a lot of people think you can charge solar from the light from the moon
I agree, I personally think any benefits from the moon would be very very minimal. Probably not noticeable to the naked eye at harvest lol.I aint saying moonlight dont help im just saying it clearly isnt essential or indoors clearly wouldnt work so good and yet it does i can see the moon influencing outdoors a bit but indoors idk so much
I paint a fake moon in my tent with that glow paint stuff. I use black felt and block part of it so it matches the actual moon phase. 10% more yield and those crazy moon terps.