can i take plants out of a pot to allow yhe soil to dry


Well-Known Member
canna bio vega full strength,hesi rooting complex half strength and molasess 1tsp per 4.5ltr,
they need repotting aswell but pots not here til thursday either


just let them dry onthere own man. wait utillyou transplant to take them out the pots. wht your thnkin is not proper. its unorthadox noone does that shit bro. but its yur op and do what you want.


Well-Known Member
when it goes from u controlling the herb to the herb controlling you, u will think differently.. u will know when u get to that point, obviously u not there yet.,.,.,lol.,.

i wud never stop smokin it tho... probly be in jail within a day of no supply,,, i never ever run out


Well-Known Member
un orthadox yea,, but so is my mate pulling a number ov large afghans out of a bubbler , cutting half the roots off and planting them in coco,, and some how the nuggets it produced wer popo,, unreall,, potent as fuck

i wouldnt do this,, but he did with no shock or bad results

ill let em dry on their own then guys and flush propperly just before i repot other wise ill be carrying the shit into the new pot,, i think 3foot plants are just about fed up of the 6ltr pots,, my rootball was unreall in all pots but salt build up is starting to take effect


Well-Known Member
i think thats it,, i abuse cannabis,,
now its raping my life,,lol

qq,, how much do u geezerz smoke???

if i quit ganj,, my freinds and family would abandon me,,

no bull


im only 24 and i smoke has much has i can in between drug tests lol


Well-Known Member
im only 25 and smoke minimum oz per week or an 8th a day in house, and usually take about half oz a week fishing,, its a 200 a week habit

constant paranoia is fukin with the heed,,

tryd switching to afghan gold seal to save money but i find it hard to get stoned off most skunks so gold seal was pointless
i dont hav any trouble smoking 3.5g blunts one after another

ill stop talkin now ,, some people prob think im kiddin but i know what i smoke..

whats your prefferd blunt smoke,, flavour&strain


New Member
lol, what state are you in?

i used to get paranoid, but cops dont even really care for havin a lil bit of pot nowadays, weeds almost legal for medi in like 14 states.


Well-Known Member
in uk,, just got stricter,, every day houses after houses are getin busted,,, 2 days ago police found 1m pounds worth ov skunk, all ready for sale in big bags,, they found it in a barn,,


New Member
colorado, california, alaska, alabama, minnesota, and i'd have to look it up, they all are currently pushing bills to either legalize fully or legalize medically, you should be able to find it on google.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can pull it out of the pot if you overwatered and say the plant is drooping from excess water. I have done this before with no bad effect and the plant recovered and after a few days looked healthier than ever. Pull it out and let it dry on a few paper towels until the paper towels are soaked, and then change to new paper towels. I have even seen some people cut up the root ball to loosen up the soil before replanting and the plant was happier and healthier in a few days. It is definitely better to take it out of the pot and let it dry than to let a plant sit in too much water for days on end when she's showing signs of being overwatered. I do not recommend doing it under your 1000 watt, HPS but do it in a nice cool dry place.