Can I top multiple nodes?


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon,

I just put down a screen for my ScrOG grow yesterday, and I have a little bit of a problem. I have one plant (a Sativa bagseed plant that I germed while I waited over a month for seeds from England) that is about 18" tall, coming up almost to my screen. I also have two ~6" Great White Sharks that are not nearly tall enough to hit the screen, and I have them elevated on a stack of books at the moment so that they are close enough to the light to veg. I have really become attatched to the bag seed plant; as I love to smoke sativa, and since it is a confirmed female, I don't have the heart to kill it. I figure I only have two options:

1) Keep the Great White Sharks elevated, and start weaving them in the screen at a shorter height.

2) If I could top the Sativa down a couple of nodes, I could make it shorter as well as stunt the growth while the GWSs play catch up for a little while.

I also considered LST, but I feel that if I do it, the bagseed plant will absolutely dominate the screen, which it is threatening to do already.

For pictures, go here:

So, can I top multiple nodes? Is this a bad idea? Or should I just stick with my plan of elevating the short ones to give them a head start to the screen? I appreciate any input anyone has to offer.



Active Member
I'm sorry I have no proof as I couldnt find the website I read a while back,

But, You can top a plant as many times as you like to increase the amount of nodes thus increasing bud sites

I don't know about sativa, but If you top an indica it takes up some major horizontal width (one thing to consider).

Also, after topping a plant I believe (not 100% sure, stoned when I read the site) that after topping the 3rd time, your going to start mutating/damaging the plant (dodgy leaves and all that)

And finally, You can chop almost any plant down from the top and as long as it still has leaves it can photosynthesize thus continue living (at a cost of stunting the plants growth.

Hope that helps,

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