Can i transfer clones from rockwool to aeroponics?!


Ok so Im doing an aeroponics grow next. So if I get clones in rockwool is it safe to transfer to aeroponics? or will it stress the plants too much. The way I was thinking of doing it it slow and carefully without killing any roots. any suggestions?.


Active Member
Ok so Im doing an aeroponics grow next. So if I get clones in rockwool is it safe to transfer to aeroponics? or will it stress the plants too much. The way I was thinking of doing it it slow and carefully without killing any roots. any suggestions?.
Your plan is perfect, you shouldnt have any problems


The only problem I see is that the rockwool might hold too much water. I clone in a homemade cloner using only 2" net pots and neoprene covers. I only used rockwool when I ran ebb and flow hydro setup.


Well-Known Member
You are talking about carefully removing the rockwool, right? If so, yes, you can do this. I did it when I switched over. Just take it very slow and be very careful. You'll lose some roots but it won't really matter. Tweezers come in handy for the delicate work.


Active Member
Aerocloner has me sold like no other. The good thing is that even if you ripped all the roots off, youd just be set back some time cause it will still take root in a proper aeroponics setup. You wont kill em at least. I think your best option is to go directly with the cuttings into aero though, if you are not getting a 100% success rate already, you will in aero - in my experience and some other peoples. Its just a matter of time. I had some I thought werent gonna make it, but it took 2-3 weeks for a few lol. Not all of em tho.


Active Member
Hey guys so I jus got two clones in rockwoll and jus dropped em into the cloner. Will they rot if I still have the rockwoll on there. Or should I do all that and pull the rockwool off. Is it needed


Ok so Im doing an aeroponics grow next. So if I get clones in rockwool is it safe to transfer to aeroponics? or will it stress the plants too much. The way I was thinking of doing it it slow and carefully without killing any roots. any suggestions?.
It really depends on the size of your net pots that you are going to be using. If you are using 3 inch net pots or larger fill the pot hydroton and drop the clone right in. The rockwool will hold too much water and the plants will suffer. I know from recent experience. Like stated above
it's best to go straight from the clipping into an aeroponics system.