Can I transplant from hydroton to hydroton?


So I ordered 10 seeds because I was going to use 5 inch pots but now I decided to use 7 inch wide pots because I want bigger plants, but my ebb and flow tray will only hold 8 of that size. I wish now that I had just ordered 5 feminized seeds...

Anyway, is it possible to start them in the 5 inch wide pots and then after getting rid of the males there will be less than 8... but is it possible to get them into the bigger pots if they are in hydroton?


Well-Known Member
basically - you take your smaller pot and dump it... you should have some hydrotron that won't come off.. you'll see what I mean when you do it..
You put a layer of hydrotron on the bottom of your pot.. set the plant you just dumped in the middle of your new pot.. dump hydrotron around the base. Don't pack it... just water it when you plant it..

It's really easy - don't sweat it bud - you'll get it right the first time, its not difficult.


Well-Known Member
ok for more info...

Just turn your pot over... there will be hydrotron that is part of "the plant" and won't drop off... a few inches of hydrotron in the new pot.. then set your plant in the middle of the new pot. and dump hydrotron in around the new plant and water it so that roots go out to explore... so to speak.

I don't know how else to describe it..


Well-Known Member
isn't that pretty much what I just said?

If not - tell me.. cause that's really what I thought I was saying... I just don't want to hurt no one else's feelings


lime... i was wondering about that. would the little slits and holes in the bottom of the 5" be enough for the roots to go into the area of the bigger pot?

And to cowell, I'm not sure I get what you mean by dump it out. Like just turn it upside down? What about the plant that seems terrible for the plant doesn't it?


Weed Modifier
isn't that pretty much what I just said?

If not - tell me.. cause that's really what I thought I was saying... I just don't want to hurt no one else's feelings said dump it...i was wondering if its ok/better to leave em in there dumping lol less stress

Why....who did you hurt? haha not me


Well-Known Member
lime... i was wondering about that. would the little slits and holes in the bottom of the 5" be enough for the roots to go into the area of the bigger pot?

And to cowell, I'm not sure I get what you mean by dump it out. Like just turn it upside down? What about the plant that seems terrible for the plant doesn't it?
I mean like turn it upside down into your hand like re potting any other plant.. but instead of soil which kind of retains the shape.. you dump the hydrotron into a container when you turn it over, and the hydrotron that isnt' attached to the plant will fall away.


Weed Modifier
lime... i was wondering about that. would the little slits and holes in the bottom of the 5" be enough for the roots to go into the area of the bigger pot?

And to cowell, I'm not sure I get what you mean by dump it out. Like just turn it upside down? What about the plant that seems terrible for the plant doesn't it?
Well if done correctly they should be ok ...its like transplanting(soil).... but for hydro , do you need to? I would just place pot in bigger one , leaving 5" inside the 7" and fill it in and then there is no stress at all? idk someone can correct me if they like.


Well-Known Member said dump it...i was wondering if its ok/better to leave em in there dumping lol less stress

Why....who did you hurt? haha not me
Who's feelings didnt' I hurt tonight??? fuck like everybody out here is on the rag tonight.. lol except you...
Ya you have to turn the pot over to replant... how else you gonna get it outta the pot? yank it out by the bottom?
you dump it over into your hand... the hydrotron that isnt' attached by roots will fall away...I dunno.. maybe I explain things wrong.. makes sence to me.


Weed Modifier
Who's feelings didnt' I hurt tonight??? fuck like everybody out here is on the rag tonight.. lol except you...
Ya you have to turn the pot over to replant... how else you gonna get it outta the pot? yank it out by the bottom?
you dump it over into your hand... the hydrotron that isnt' attached by roots will fall away...I dunno.. maybe I explain things wrong.. makes sence to me.
I understand exactly what you are saying.

yah well seems that some people just can't handle a little razzing here and there...


Well-Known Member
lol.. I dunno...

I like a fun poking as much as the the next guy :)

Edit - clean up for the OP :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry -

The point of re-potting is to allow your roots to fill the new bigger area. Bigger root ball = bigger plant.
If you stick one pot into another, it's not going to allow the roots to fill the new container because the roots would still be contained in the first pot mainly.
You will get some roots that will grow out the bottom drain holes and into the new pot... but not enough to bother.
Give it a try if you want to do that, but honestly, you're not going to hurt the plant any more than letting it get rootbound than the mild stress of a transplant.

just be gentle with it.
I put my hand over top of the pot and slowly tip it over so that the mainstem is supported with my hand. You really only have to tip it enough so the hydrotron will come out of the pot.. not like right upside down or anything. If you have a nice ball of roots clinging to hydrotron.. that's good.
Put a base of hydrotron in the new pot and set the plant in the middle. While holding the plant in place take handfuls of hydrotron and fill around the plant.. don't pack it in or anything.. just let it fall in.

But you do what you want. It's a learning thing.. sometimes a person will only learn if they try things themselves (I'm like that personally).
Besides - you will see the results of doing one thing vs another and find what you like to do with them best.

Happy growing and good luck with everything :)


Well-Known Member
No worries... One major flaw - I type like I talk.
It's not the first time someone has asked me to explain things a little more thouroghly..

Hope it helps is all.


Well-Known Member
Sorry -

The point of re-potting is to allow your roots to fill the new bigger area. Bigger root ball = bigger plant.
If you stick one pot into another, it's not going to allow the roots to fill the new container because the roots would still be contained in the first pot mainly.
You will get some roots that will grow out the bottom drain holes and into the new pot... but not enough to bother.
Give it a try if you want to do that, but honestly, you're not going to hurt the plant any more than letting it get rootbound than the mild stress of a transplant.

just be gentle with it.
I put my hand over top of the pot and slowly tip it over so that the mainstem is supported with my hand. You really only have to tip it enough so the hydrotron will come out of the pot.. not like right upside down or anything. If you have a nice ball of roots clinging to hydrotron.. that's good.
Put a base of hydrotron in the new pot and set the plant in the middle. While holding the plant in place take handfuls of hydrotron and fill around the plant.. don't pack it in or anything.. just let it fall in.

But you do what you want. It's a learning thing.. sometimes a person will only learn if they try things themselves (I'm like that personally).
Besides - you will see the results of doing one thing vs another and find what you like to do with them best.

Happy growing and good luck with everything :)
if he is using hydroton he should be using net pots. Putting the smaller pot inside of the larger pot should work fine and would seem like less stress on the plant. Unless he is not using net pots in which case i would be really cornfused. When he turns the pot over and dumps the loose hydroton out he should still have roots out the bottom of the pot he will have to pull on and possibly damage.


Well-Known Member
if he is using hydroton he should be using net pots. Putting the smaller pot inside of the larger pot should work fine and would seem like less stress on the plant. Unless he is not using net pots in which case i would be really cornfused. When he turns the pot over and dumps the loose hydroton out he should still have roots out the bottom of the pot he will have to pull on and possibly damage.
Read the thread before you post.

" i was wondering about that. would the little slits and holes in the bottom of the 5" be enough for the roots to go into the area of the bigger pot?
And to cowell, I'm not sure I get what you mean by dump it out. Like just turn it upside down? What about the plant that seems terrible for the plant doesn't it?"....

He obviously isn't using net pots..or there'd be no question about trasplanting. Read. Then process. Then talk.
I grow in 1 gallon nursery pots. Top fed irrigation.. why would I grow in net pots? Flood and drain guys keep their plants in net pots? No. Why would they keep them in net pots?
DWC growers or Aero guys will use them.. that's only 2 ways to grow.

Keep learning. You'll have more options available to you and be of more help to people in different situations.
You don't get roots growing out the drain holes anymore than a soil pot.. when roots hit air and light.. they will prune themselves back (check out smart-pots, or air-pots).
I used to flower using DWC. All I did was drill out more holes in the bottom of the regular pots and when I switched them to flower - the roots would grow out the bottom into the res....