Can I Trim The Leaves?


Active Member
im on day 14 of flowering and after being away for the weekend i have come back to find that i can not get into my room cos my girls have gone huge so im wondering if i can trim back some of the fan leaves to create a bit more space in there is this advisable or not any help would be great thanks


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't after about 4-5 weeks flowering they will start to fall off on there own, by the time mine are finished there's not many left on anyway, can you not just move them out the way when you walk in? my room is a tight squeeze but i just use the back of my hand to push the plant away from me gently! just make sure if you crouch down that you don't get some lower bus caught between the back of your knee! done that a couple of times, breaks your heart.


Active Member
my room measures at 3ft wide 6ft deep and about 10ft high and they are so bushy that i cant tell which part belongs to which plant if you know what i mean so i dont want to risk snapping any part of them but if you say that they will fall off of their own accord then i will just have to wait im on day 14 now so really its not that long to wait


Well-Known Member
ino every grow ive done(always rhino) that after about week 4 the leaves fall off at a fast rate, if your really desperate to trim then i would remove the ones lower down the plants and leave the ones that are on any of the main bud sites.
day 14 of flower you should start to see the buds packing on weight any time now, that's if you haven't already!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fan leaves should not be falling off after 4 weeks of flowering, you pretty much want to aim to maintain healthy green fan leaves until harvest.

Trimming fan leaves is a heavily debated topic, being that they are the solar panels for the plant, but at the same time, too many and there will be no light penetration to lower parts of the plant and may also cause issues with air movement around the plant. By all means trim some off if you want but don't go bonkers and take em all :D


Active Member
you would do an overgrowing plant more good than harm by trimming back on some of the overgrown foliage. it improves air circulation and if u do it right you can get some light shining in the areas that dont get that much due to a bushy canopy. dont underestimate a plants ability to sense that their grow space is getting smaller and begin to stress because of it. i would advise to tread lightly and to trim accordingly. but she may thank you for it. just focus on lower fan leaves that dont serve your crop much good and careful not to stress her in the process. do a quick serch on pruning or lollipopping to make your job a little easier, good luck


Well-Known Member
most fan leaves do fall off as the plant is comeing to the end of its life, ive done quite a few grows now, and also seen a few aswell and every one of them loses there leaves from about 4 weeks of flower until there not many left at the end! mind all the grows ive done and seen have been with white rhino only so can only speak for this strain. im not saying you couldnt add some sort of product to stop this but why bother? as long as there getting the npk values and other traces theres no harm done! never had a bad crop yet!


Active Member
here is a pic of my room taken about 4 days ago but they have had a spurt of the weekend while i was away so what do you reckon guys



Active Member
i wouldnt say that they have packed on loads of weight but i suspect that it is gonna happen pretty soon as i am noticing that on some of the bud sites if i look close enough i can see some trichs starting to form also im not getting to much of a smell now im not sure if this is because im in there quite often and im getting used to it or if this is because the smell will happen more as they mature


Well-Known Member
they do get strong smelling as they go especially when the white start coming on the leaves and gets all sticky,


Active Member
thanks i just cant wait to smoke some of this btw does anyone know the flowering period for white rhino


Active Member
so in theory then i should hopefully be harvesting in about 6 weeks not sure if you saw the earlier post when you said about them putting weight on like i said they havebt yet but expect them too pretty soon as i an see some trichs on the bud sites if i look close enough is this normal so early in to flowering


Well-Known Member
yes that's normal you should start to get loads of sticky white crystals on the leaves as well, when you trim at harvest time i would make hash out of the trimmings, you end up with quite abit because the leaves are packed with crystals, look up ice hash its so easy to do and well worth it! or invest in some hash bubble bags and you'll get loads more, yes 6 more weeks should be good, i would get yourself a 100x magnifier to check the trichs from 8 weeks then you know when its perfect.


Active Member
i had heard about scissor hash but got no idea how to do it is there a thread on here and what are bubble bags never heard of those


Well-Known Member
heres the bubble bags
these are the easyest less messy and you get alot more hash out of them, and heres the ice hash i use some coffee filters (paper ones) instead of the mesh also use an electric mixer on slow speed instead of hand mixer because youve got to mix for 15-20 mins. heres George showing you how to use bags honestly its really worth doing! the smoke gets you stoned badly! be careful you only need a little bit hash in pipe or joint to fuck you up! lol so dont over do it your first time.

scissor hash is what you get stuck to the scissors when you trimming your bud! just scrape the scissors with a razor blade at the end


Well-Known Member
it vary s but i done 5 plant trimmings and got 3 marble size balls and a couple of joints of crumbs, but if you use the bubble bags you will at least double that, also remember a small amount goes along way, and its very strong,


Active Member
yeah i think i will go with the bags just watched the vid and it seem really easy the onl thing is that the ebay link you sent me says its a private listing how do i get round that