can i use a t8 for clones and seeds???????


Well-Known Member
ok so as the world turns i need more room for babies.. i have a little 24"Lx18"Dx21"T something or other its a small box for clones,i have a 24"t5 and looks like its doing fine. my question is i have a 2 drawer vertical file cabinet and i turned it into a lil grow box for more clones and a possible veg cabinet will a t8 light work for this or should i go with led ??? i'm using my lil spot light with a 65wtt cfl bulb and there not getting linky to bad so can a plant grow bulb with a 18" f15t8 plant & aquarium bulb due for starting clones and seeds.. sorry for babbling thank you for any help and i will post pics of the cabinet when done..


Well-Known Member
wow that many views and not a soul can help a brother out.. hell just give me a yes or no .. guess i will have to learn by mistake and spread the knowledge that i had to learn on my own.. guess you cfl ,led and what ever else you people use without knowledge of what your using.. i will let you know what i found out.. thanks again..


Well-Known Member
I use a t8 grow light just like the one you mentioned i use for clones and seedlings. it works very well i think i actually got mine from wal-mart in the light section and it is actually for growing plants. i believe you should be fine using it. i uave had little strech while using this light but i only use it for about 2 weeks till i can put them under the hid. hope this helps and good luck with your grow