Well-Known Member
I was just wondering can I use use MH or a HPS light for seedlings? If so how far does it has to be from the plants?
You're better off using fluorescents because HID lighting is too intense. If you have no other means then start off having the light one and a half to two feet from your plants MINIMUM & if your seedlings show stress than move the lights further away to be safe.[/QUOTE ]
thanks man imma keep that in mind...imma just start off with the flolight just to be on the safe side...
I start all my seedling with a 400 watt MH and have not had any issues. I keep them in a humidity dome for the first week or so then take the dome off and let them grow untill they have 2-3 nodes. Then onto the big pots. Yes you can use a MH for seedling, as far as how far away that depends on you hood setup and wattage. I place mine about 12-18" away, but I use a air cooled hood.