Can I Use This Soil to Start Off My Seeds In?


Active Member
I have 2 seeds currently germinating (nirvana papaya) via the paper towel method. I went to buy some pro mix HP and while I was there I came across some "seed starting mix" on sale so I got a bag.

Could you guys please tell me if this looks OK to use?

Also I got some coco coir plantable pots to start in, 2 6500k cfls with 5.5" reflectors/clamp lamps. I also got dolomitic lime and perlite in case I should need any. Is all this stuff OK for seeds?

Sorry for the crappy photos, the camera on the iPad sucks lol.
TY for your help, I really appreciate it! :) :leaf:


shoild be fine, just don't pack it down tight, so roots are able to move and get situated. Does the bag say if it is fertilized?


Active Member
No fertilizer, as far as I can tell. It says "A balanced mixture of soil, sphagnum peat and perlite making the ideal growing medium for starting seeds." Thanks for the help btw!