Can I veg under one 3000k 23w cfl????


I really really really want these two clones sitting at the local co-op nice rare strain but I do not have a separate veg room!! I do have a spare flowering bulb that I can use but that's only 1 bulb!! If I take home these small clones (about 6-7 inches tall) will they die from light deficiency? Please help!!


Well-Known Member
if you keep the bulb really close between the two they will not die of light deficiency but they won't go real great either. They'll start stretching pretty fast after about a week if you don't add more lights.


Good they are really short with no splits yet. I forgot to mention that they will only sit under that one light for about 2 weeks max befor they will enter my grow room.

chief blunts

Active Member
throw them in a window sill, or fork out the 3-6 bucks for a pack of bulbs? you have to have access to an extra house lamp and some bulbs man, this dilemma seems kinda silly. if your to broke to buy bulbs but can spend 20-40 on two clones i just don't understand what your doing with your life, lol no disrespect just does not make any sense... at all


throw them in a window sill, or fork out the 3-6 bucks for a pack of bulbs? you have to have access to an extra house lamp and some bulbs man, this dilemma seems kinda silly. if your to broke to buy bulbs but can spend 20-40 on two clones i just don't understand what your doing with your life, lol no disrespect just does not make any sense... at all
Weeds a habit :) Especially good weed
It is silly but I really want that strain


Well-Known Member
dude like you said your best bet throw under the one for 12 hours then throw under the other bulb for another 12 hours they will do good