Can Men and Women be only friends.


Well-Known Member
Im going to be simple and crude,men and women cannot be friends simply because sooner or later in one way or the other they are going to want to fuck you...fin.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I wasn't even thinking the sex factor, I couldn't care less about that if I care about somebody. But getting more than friend feelings is more inevitable.


Well-Known Member
i can be friends with guys as long as they have a girlfriend. single guys cannot be friends with me without wanting me...and i rarely feel the same about them simply because i cant just be friends with a guy i find attractive. i turn into this superflirt and act like a total girl. its tragic to watch haha. so if im able to be just friends with a not into i just dont bother so yea...needless to say i dont have many guy

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
theres 2 ways to look at girls...

Either they don't sleep with you.... and then theres no reason to ever talk to them again...

or they DO sleep with you....and then theres no reason to ever talk to them again...


Well-Known Member
men and women can be friends most of my good friends are female, some i have slept with, some i havent , some i sleep with on and off. its all on how mature you keep the relationship. i have had sex with numerous of my good girlfriends and we keep it as a friendship relationship so even when we are not fuckin we are still great friends.