Can MMJ patients/caregivers own GUNS

I don't believe the permit to purchase a handgun asks about drug use.
If you are referring to BATF form 4473 then you would be incorrect. The form is required for transfer between a licensed firearm dealer and the purchaser and does not delineate between pistol, rifle or shotgun. Line 11(e) is included below.
e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

Since this is a federal form, it is asking if you are an unlawful user under Federal Law.
The answer to that would be yes for all of us that partake in Cannabis.
If you are referring to BATF form 4473 then you would be incorrect. The form is required for transfer between a licensed firearm dealer and the purchaser and does not delineate between pistol, rifle or shotgun. Line 11(e) is included below.
e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

Since this is a federal form, it is asking if you are an unlawful user under Federal Law.
The answer to that would be yes for all of us that partake in Cannabis.

but we are not unlawfully using, and not addicted. yea i love my meds and will not be a happy camper without them but not addicted!

i got my 9mm before i got my card, but had to do another background check (now with a card) after i pawned it for a week... every thing came back good. getting fingerprinted today at the PD for a gaurd card and i expect no problems once i submit my application to the state.
So then on the state level would I be in any trouble if had both? Just curious before I bother with either. Shouldn't have to pick
And chose rights.
Edit: as I stated before of you have Feds Up your ass your probably doing something wrong. Worst case scenario the cops knock on my door, if I have a valid Mj card and valid registered firearms as long as I'm not over my limit and have my room locked and my Guns locked up halfway across the house would the police officer arrest me? Or just go
On his way. And would he have any grounds to get me in court and what would I be charged with? No STATE laws exist to my knowledge acknowledging the circumstance where the 2 licenses and rights coencide.
I know laws exist if you are in illegal possession and have a gun. But there is no clause pertaining to medical marijuana. I can't see how it would differ in the states eyes from a prescription painkiller.
Arizona has sent a letter to all the state gun dealers warning of the illegal FEDERAL act of selling guns to mmj cardholders. They are supposed to ask if you are a state card holder , If I remember correctly.
If you think the states lists of mmj cardholders is not in the FEDS hands, I think you are not thinking this thru clearly.
As long as marijuana is schedule 1 illegal federally, then you have no gun rights by federal law, end of story.
I do not agree since it is O.K. to do hard drugs with Dr prescription & even alcohol & STILL be legal by federal law to carry & own guns.
Just another Obummer policy designed to get votes probably. The worst white prez , EVER.
YO! just because you have a card doesn't mean you use or are addicted they hand those things out to anyone. You cant say to some one you got a card so you use mj. It doesn't mean you grow it or smoke it. All it means is you can if you want to.