can my weed plant budd under 14 hours of sun

purple kush16

Active Member
Ok my MJ plant is around 55days old its has been budding inside under T5 flourescents! I want to move it outside so it will yeild BIG but outside theres still 14 hours of light a day. If i move it outside will it contiue to budd??? The budds is the size of popcorn curnal!! help me ??

purple kush16

Active Member
Yeah i just moved it outside 3 days ago but everyday at 6pm i put a big 55gal drum over it to sorten the light period to 12 and 12 lol how many week will it take for my plant to mature the budd??

Brick Top

New Member
How long have your plants been flowering? With more than 12 hours of light per day your plants will want to revert back to the vegetative growth stage and you will be putting your plants at risk of turning hermi.

purple kush16

Active Member
Um they have been flowering for 2 weeks!!! im just gonna cover it up everyday at 6pm so it will make the lighting 12 and 12!!!


Well-Known Member
yea, that's your best bet if they were further into flowering 14 hours probably wouldn't turn it around, but it does depend on the strain alot for sure.


Well-Known Member
no what you are doing is called light deprivation you will be fine stay at your 12/12 schedule


Well-Known Member
Paint that barrel white and get a thermometer that records high and low temperatures.

The only downside to what you're doing is possible overheating inside the barrel, in direct sun.

purple kush16

Active Member
no when i put the drum over it the sun doesnt hit it by 6pm the sun has set enought for the direct light not hit it!

Brick Top

New Member
Will they? maybe. Not for sure.

Few things are carved in stone but anyone who has grown for some period of time will tell you that when you alter light cycles and go back and forth between a vegetative growth stage and a flowering growth stage and back to a vegetative growth stage and then back to a flowering growth stage that hermis are not all that uncommon. They are not a 100% sure bet to hermi but the odds of that happening go way up when you start jumping back and forth between light cycles.

Brick Top

New Member
What strain do yuo know of that goes for 8 months before finishing flowering? lol

There are a few extremely long-flowering landrace sativa strains in the world. Real true Panama Red can take 22 weeks, that's 154 days or 5.1333 months. That is about as long as anything that has been used in breeding or sold in its original form will be, but there are a few rare strains that will require longer.


Active Member
Wow you just took my breath away bro haha... I love the thought of long flower period strains.... so exotic, I feel the posibilities are endless for what something like that could grow to be! ;)

There are a few extremely long-flowering landrace sativa strains in the world. Real true Panama Red can take 22 weeks, that's 154 days or 5.1333 months. That is about as long as anything that has been used in breeding or sold in its original form will be, but there are a few rare strains that will require longer.