can ocean forrest suffocate roots?


Well-Known Member
Ive been experiencing some extremely low yields. Plants veged to 18 - 24 inches are only yielding an eighth, if that under a 1000HPS.
None of these plants grow roots and the stems are very very small.
Im trying to understand why none of my plants are producing. Could it be my tent? Ive had successful harvests before using that tent so I dont see why.
Im thinking that its most likely the soil but from my observations it has proper drainage. Water doesnt have a problem penetrating the top soil and draining out the bottom. But still, could it be the soil? I transplanted some hog clonesout of thier 6 inch container and into an aerated mix of 50/50 organicare pure earth aerated formula and fox farm light warrior into 2 gallon containers and under the 1000 HPS. So far a week and they have done very little growing now that I think of it. And I gave them a dose of benificals at transplant.

Im fucking stumped. I go over to a friends house last night and she has 3 fucking trees under a 1000HPS in the corner of a bedroom. They looked so green and healthy (besides the fan leaves she cut off). And I do ALL the motions and grow sick plants that under produce.


Well-Known Member
And as far as packing dirt too tight, could FFOF do that? Its a pretty spongey texture, lets water flow through doesnt stay wet for too long. Somone suggested that and it seems you would need to press it in there pretty damn tight to get even close to the tiny yields and roots that Im dealing with.


Well-Known Member
idk man, that sucks, thats a big light for suck small yields... i make sure to masage the sides of my pots ever once in a while to crack up the dirt and loosen it up a bit, this alows sufficient air movement to the roots. are you sure there isnt anything else that could be causing the problem?


Well-Known Member
shit, Im running out of ideas as to what could be wrong. Like I said I got all the bases covered it seems. Proper soil PH, proper drainage, right temps, fresh air going into the tent, Plants 2 feet from the light, Feeding benificials etc.


Well-Known Member
You might try mixing in some perlite if you think drainage is an issue. I use FFOF and find it does a great job and never use perlite. I guess if you packed it too much it might cause an issue. Perlite is the only thing I can think of.

It sounds like you got it covered however. Just wondering if this is the only time you have had this issue or is the problem reoccuring?


Well-Known Member
Genetics perhaps? Maybe your strain has a lower yielding phenotype that's expressing itself?

Edit: My did say clone. Bad batch of soil maybe?


Well-Known Member
ph and temperature? I use FF soil and FF nutes and I have 1-2 oz's on my current plant under 400hps and the smallest yield I've gotten is 1/2 oz and thats because I damaged the root system. I doubt it's the soil, probably ph or too much heat.


Well-Known Member
I use tap water, superthrive, root juice, oregonism XL, pura vida grow 6-4-3, puravida bloom 2-6-6 and molasses. I ph whenever I water to 6.2. Temps are 77 F at the canopy. Fresh ventilation in and out of the tent is provided. My fan clears 620 cf/m and with a thermal heat shield on my hood, all of the radiating heat is contained and efficiently extracted.

I guess the problem starts in veg because for plants vegd to 18 inches they looked a little small but you would think that a week under the 1000HPS would change all that. When they go into bloom they do very little growing, do not bulk up and the stem at the base stays about as big as a pencil. Even the other seeds Ive started growing are showing the same symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking it has something to do with your water. You probably have too much calcium which is binding to the micro nutrients and causing problems for your plant.

NYC Diesel

New Member
Where do you live? the tap water may be the problem. I forget the name of it but when (PPm, PPP?) is too concentrated in your water it is very bad for the plants. but if your tap water is ok it could be the soil. if it isnt that then im stumped


Well-Known Member
My first harvest last year has really been my best overall, despite that I grew 3 1/2 oz. with a 24" plant on a seperate grow. Thats been my best yield so far. After that grow I decided to use tap. So I guess I could start switching my water source.

NYC Diesel

New Member
i wouldnt jump to conclusions. Try to test for whats in your water, and next time u use tap water, let it sit for about 24 hours( if you dont already) so some of the bad things in there will evaporate.


Well-Known Member
My first harvest last year has really been my best overall, despite that I grew 3 1/2 oz. with a 24" plant on a seperate grow. Thats been my best yield so far. After that grow I decided to use tap. So I guess I could start switching my water source.

Definitly change your water source if you had better results with that before.

It sucks if you dont get the yields, but keep trying. Ive had grows where i got maybe 2oz dry of 6 plants. Im sure we all been there.