• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

Cloud City

New Member
Beside the fact that all of the most respected and distinguished scientists in the world confirm that the climate is warming through their research and observations, THRE IS OPEN WATER IN SUMMER WHEN IT ALWAYS USED TO BE FROZEN. I dont give a shit what some bullshit Russian astronomer says he thinks is heating the CO2 on the poles of Mars, this shits real and its here. There are islands in the South Pacific that are almost underwater because of rising sea levels!!!!!!!!


New Member
There is no pattern relationship between carbon and global mean temps in any of our historical data.

It's the sun. Ocean currents and the sun drive global climates. Not man. Since ALL of the global warming models MISSED the thirty year cooling which is happening right now, they're credibility is ZERO.

Cloud City

New Member
There is no pattern relationship between carbon and global mean temps in any of our historical data.

It's the sun. Ocean currents and the sun drive global climates. Not man. Since ALL of the global warming models MISSED the thirty year cooling which is happening right now, they're credibility is ZERO.

Then let me ask you, if you think the global climate has been cooling for the past 30 years why have so many reefs in the ocean been dying and bleaching white? And why is there now open water in the Arctic during the summers??:wall:
You would have to ask the Russian that came up with that map.
It is BS, IMO.
He is just spouting off.

About the currency there are two schools forming even now on money.
It seems the banks may begin cutting our credit.
Making us live within our means.
Speculation is we are headed towards deflation.
Which almost as bad IMO as hyperinflation.

I don't know about that either way.

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will.
If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
-Quotes from David Rockerfeller’s Memoirs (Random House, New York, 2002) Chapter 27, pages 404 and 405

I don't know if there is a conspiracy.
I'm fairy certain their are several competing conspiracies.
What they are who knows, honestly who really care.
In the end we either protect this country
its Constitution and Declaration of Independance or we don't.

We used to be Americans.
We used to believe in freedom.
Generations fought and died defending our rights.
We stormed beaches fighting for the freedom
this generation so calously shrugs off as frivilous.

Don't worry you'll get your socialism.
You'll get free healthcare.
You'll get Cap and Trade.
We'll keep our Patriot act.
and invade the world to make it safe for corpratism.
Just keep playing your X-Box.
There is nothing you can do to change it anyway.
Interesting post.
i lost all faith in the history channel after thier flight 93 9/11 special where they recreated the events that took place that day on that plane

wait a second...... flight 93 not only didnt exist......

but the plane with the ID number that was "flight 93" (there was no scheduled flight 93 on 9/11) is listed as active

so.... how is the plane they said was flight 93 still in use today?

anyway, this is not about 9/11, its about how just because its called the history channel, does not mean they will you everything about history correctly

they should change it to "the social studies channel"

cause hell, thats what they did to history class in public school isnt it?

taught in such a way that america always looked like the good guys, the saviors, and the enemys were always the bad guys, the aggressors

so its not longer called history, but social studies
This is about whatever theories you've had.
In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.
Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.


Global warming HA! You Hippie morons have been spouting
this end of the world mumbo jumbo sence the seventies.
You don't know if the earth is warming or cooling!
You don't know whats causing it.
But your all sure its because of greedy electric companies and SUV owners.

Maybe the earth goes through cycles.
Look up the little ice age.
Very very interesting, but cant we all just try and recycle, try and produce some environmentally friendly cars and such?
[FONT=times new roman,times]Israel: Dr. Nathan Paldor, Professor of Dynamical Meteorology and Physical Oceanography at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has authored almost 70 peer-reviewed studies and won several awards. “First, temperature changes, as well as rates of temperature changes (both increase and decrease) of magnitudes similar to that reported by IPCC to have occurred since the Industrial revolution (about 0.8C in 150 years or even 0.4C in the last 35 years) have occurred in Earth's climatic history. There's nothing special about the recent rise!” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Russia: Russian scientist Dr. Oleg Sorochtin of the Institute of Oceanology at the Russian Academy of Sciences has authored more than 300 studies, nine books, and a 2006 paper titled “The Evolution and the Prediction of Global Climate Changes on Earth.” “Even if the concentration of ‘greenhouse gases’ double man would not perceive the [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]temperature impact,” Sorochtin wrote. (Note: Name also sometimes translated to spell Sorokhtin)[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Spain: Anton Uriarte, a professor of Physical Geography at the University of the Basque Country in Spain and author of a book on the paleoclimate, rejected man-made climate fears in 2007. “There's no need to be worried. It's very interesting to study [climate change], but there's no need to be worried,” Uriate wrote. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Netherlands: Atmospheric scientist Dr. Hendrik Tennekes, a scientific pioneer in the development of numerical weather prediction and former director of research at The Netherlands' Royal National Meteorological Institute, and an internationally recognized expert in atmospheric boundary layer processes, “I find the Doomsday picture Al Gore is painting – a six-meter sea level rise, fifteen times the IPCC number – entirely without merit,” Tennekes wrote. “I protest vigorously the idea that the climate reacts like a home heating system to a changed setting of the thermostat: just turn the dial, and the desired temperature will soon be reached." [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Brazil: Chief Meteorologist Eugenio Hackbart of the MetSul Meteorologia Weather Center in Sao Leopoldo – Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil declared himself a skeptic. “The media is promoting an unprecedented hyping related to global warming. The media and many scientists are ignoring very important facts that point to a natural variation in the climate system as the cause of the recent global warming,” Hackbart wrote on May 30, 2007. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]France: Climatologist Dr. Marcel Leroux, former professor at Université Jean Moulin and director of the Laboratory of Climatology, Risks, and Environment in Lyon, is a climate skeptic. Leroux wrote a 2005 book titled Global Warming – Myth or Reality? - The Erring Ways of Climatology. “Day after day, the same mantra - that ‘the Earth is warming up’ - is churned out in all its forms. As ‘the ice melts’ and ‘sea level rises,’ the Apocalypse looms ever nearer! Without realizing it, or perhaps without wishing to, the average citizen in bamboozled, lobotomized, lulled into mindless ac*ceptance. ... Non-believers in the greenhouse scenario are in the position of those long ago who doubted the existence of God ... fortunately for them, the Inquisition is no longer with us!” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Norway: Geologist/Geochemist Dr. Tom V. Segalstad, a professor and head of the Geological Museum at the University of Oslo and formerly an expert reviewer with the UN IPCC: “It is a search for a mythical CO2 sink to explain an immeasurable CO2 lifetime to fit a hypothetical CO2 computer model that purports to show that an impossible amount of fossil fuel burning is heating the atmosphere. It is all a fiction.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Finland: Dr. Boris Winterhalter, retired Senior Marine Researcher of the Geological Survey of Finland and former professor of marine geology at University of Helsinki, criticized the media for what he considered its alarming climate coverage. “The effect of solar winds on cosmic radiation has just recently been established and, furthermore, there seems to be a good correlation between cloudiness and variations in the intensity of cosmic radiation. Here we have a mechanism which is a far better explanation to variations in global climate than the attempts by IPCC to blame it all on anthropogenic input of greenhouse gases."[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Germany: Paleoclimate expert Augusto Mangini of the University of Heidelberg in Germany, criticized the UN IPCC summary. “I consider the part of the IPCC report, which I can really judge as an expert, i.e. the reconstruction of the paleoclimate, wrong,” Mangini noted in an April 5, 2007 article. He added: “The earth will not die.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Canada: IPCC 2007 Expert Reviewer Madhav Khandekar, a Ph.D meteorologist, a scientist with the Natural Resources Stewardship Project who has over 45 years experience in climatology, meteorology and oceanography, and who has published nearly 100 papers, reports, book reviews and a book on Ocean Wave Analysis and Modeling: “To my dismay, IPCC authors ignored all my comments and suggestions for major changes in the FOD (First Order Draft) and sent me the SOD (Second Order Draft) with essentially the same text as the FOD. None of the authors of the chapter bothered to directly communicate with me (or with other expert reviewers with whom I communicate on a regular basis) on many issues that were raised in my review. This is not an acceptable scientific review process.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Czech Republic: Czech-born U.S. climatologist Dr. George Kukla, a research scientist with the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, expressed climate skepticism in 2007. “The only thing to worry about is the damage that can be done by worrying. Why are some scientists worried? Perhaps because they feel that to stop worrying may mean to stop being paid,” Kukla told Gelf Magazine on April 24, 2007. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]India: One of India's leading geologists, B.P. Radhakrishna, President of the Geological Society of India, expressed climate skepticism in 2007. “We appear to be overplaying this global warming issue as global warming is nothing new. It has happened in the past, not once but several times, giving rise to glacial-interglacial cycles.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]USA: Climatologist Robert Durrenberger, past president of the American Association of State Climatologists, and one of the climatologists who gathered at Woods Hole to review the National Climate Program Plan in July, 1979: “Al Gore brought me back to the battle and prompted me to do renewed research in the field of climatology. And because of all the misinformation that Gore and his army have been spreading about climate change I have decided that ‘real’ climatologists should try to help the public understand the nature of the problem.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Italy: Internationally renowned scientist Dr. Antonio Zichichi, president of the World Federation of Scientists and a retired Professor of Advanced Physics at the University of Bologna in Italy, who has published over 800 scientific papers: “Significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming." [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]New Zealand: IPCC reviewer and climate researcher and scientist Dr. Vincent Gray, an expert reviewer on every single draft of the IPCC reports going back to 1990 and author of The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of "Climate Change 2001: “The [IPCC] ‘Summary for Policymakers’ might get a few readers, but the main purpose of the report is to provide a spurious scientific backup for the absurd claims of the worldwide environmentalist lobby that it has been established scientifically that increases in carbon dioxide are harmful to the climate. It just does not matter that this ain't so.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]South Africa: Dr. Kelvin Kemm, formerly a scientist at South Africa’s Atomic Energy Corporation who holds degrees in nuclear physics and mathematics: “The global-warming mania continues with more and more hype and less and less thinking. With religious zeal, people look for issues or events to blame on global warming.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Poland: Physicist Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski, Chairman of the Central Laboratory for the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiological Protection in Warsaw: “We thus find ourselves in the situation that the entire theory of man-made global warming—with its repercussions in science, and its important consequences for politics and the global economy—is based on ice core studies that provided a false picture of the atmospheric CO2 levels.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Australia: Prize-wining Geologist Dr. Ian Plimer, a professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Adelaide in Australia: "There is new work emerging even in the last few weeks that shows we can have a very close correlation between the temperatures of the Earth and supernova and solar radiation.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Britain: Dr. Richard Courtney, a UN IPCC expert reviewer and a UK-based climate and atmospheric science consultant: “To date, no convincing evidence for AGW (anthropogenic global warming) has been discovered. And recent global climate behavior is not consistent with AGW model predictions.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]China: Chinese Scientists Say C02 Impact on Warming May Be ‘Excessively Exaggerated’ – Scientists Lin Zhen-Shan’s and Sun Xian’s 2007 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics: "Although the CO2 greenhouse effect on global climate change is unsuspicious, it could have been excessively exaggerated." Their study asserted that "it is high time to reconsider the trend of global climate change.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Denmark: Space physicist Dr. Eigil Friis-Christensen is the director of the Danish National Space Centre, a member of the space research advisory committee of the Swedish [FONT=times new roman,times]National Space Board, a member of a NASA working group, and a member of the European Space Agency who has authored or co-authored around 100 peer-reviewed papers and chairs the Institute of Space Physics: “[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]The sun is the source of the energy that causes the motion of the atmosphere and thereby controls weather and climate. Any change in the energy from the sun received at the Earth’s surface will therefore affect climate.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times][FONT=times new roman,times]Belgium: Climate scientist Luc Debontridder of the Belgium Weather Institute’s Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) co-authored a study in August 2007 which dismissed a decisive role of CO2 in global warming: "CO2 is not the big bogeyman of climate change and global warming. “Not CO2, but water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It is responsible[/FONT] for at least 75 % of the greenhouse effect. This is a simple scientific fact, but Al Gore's movie has hyped CO2 so much that nobody seems to take note of it.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Sweden: Geologist Dr. Wibjorn Karlen, professor emeritus of the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology at Stockholm University, critiqued the Associated Press for hyping promoting climate fears in 2007. “Another of these hysterical views of our climate. Newspapers should think about the damage they are doing to many persons, particularly young kids, by spreading the exaggerated views of a human impact on climate.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]USA: Dr. David Wojick is a UN IPCC expert reviewer, who earned his PhD in Philosophy of Science and co-founded the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie-Mellon University: “In point of fact, the hypothesis that solar variability and not human activity is warming the oceans goes a long way to explain the puzzling idea that the Earth's surface may be warming while the atmosphere is not. The GHG (greenhouse gas) hypothesis does not do this.” Wojick added: “The public is not well served by this constant drumbeat of false alarms fed by computer models manipulated by advocates.” [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times] # # #[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]
So basically they're all saying Global Warming's a myth??
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. [/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. [/FONT]

Signed by over 9000 PHD's
and 31000 American scientists.
Its the sun and earth going through cycles.
Who are you gonna listen to
people who have a vested interest in seeing
cap and trade inacted.
Or people who are actually conserned about whats happening.
40,000 people in the know huh. WOW


Well-Known Member
Yeah wow 31000 people in the know as opposed to the
2500 or so UN scientists who have a vested intrest seeing global warming legislation inacted.

Yes Global warming is a hoax in so much as it has anything to do with man.
Its the Sun, its water vapor, it isn't CO2.
CO2 is good everyone here should know that.
Hell we put CO2 tanks in our growroom for a reason.


New Member
Then let me ask you, if you think the global climate has been cooling for the past 30 years why have so many reefs in the ocean been dying and bleaching white? And why is there now open water in the Arctic during the summers??:wall:
The earth has been cooling for ten years. It has twenty more to go.

There are many causes of reefs dying. What is NOT known is man's true influence on global climate. In fact, everyone has been wrong about the last ten years...all the fancy computer models... wrong.
The ten years of Al Bore spouting catastrophe using those same models... wrong.

Don't be so quick to follow political spin.... a common failing.
Then let me ask you, if you think the global climate has been cooling for the past 30 years why have so many reefs in the ocean been dying and bleaching white? And why is there now open water in the Arctic during the summers??:wall:
The answer is the sun: increase in uva and b light is the reef killer.
The largest greenhouse gas in water vapor. (If it's a hot day and you have cloud cover at night- the temperature will not drop as much as if there were no cloud cover. )

The intensity of the suns natural light cycle causes many things ; but to blame Global warming on, or because of, man- is not science; it's nothing more than an opportunity to make money!!

And that's when Gal hore stepped on stage- Now, how convenient is that truth??!!!


New Member
The answer is the sun: increase in uva and b light is the reef killer.
The largest greenhouse gas in water vapor. (If it's a hot day and you have cloud cover at night- the temperature will not drop as much as if there were no cloud cover. )

The intensity of the suns natural light cycle causes many things ; but to blame Global warming on, or because of, man- is not science; it's nothing more than an opportunity to make money!!

And that's when Gal hore stepped on stage- Now, how convenient is that truth??!!!
Yes indeed, water vapor is the overwhelming culprit in our atmosphere, not carbon.

Guess what element is NOT measured or taken into account with Al Bore and Ilk? That's right!!! Water vapor is NOT included in the data.
$1 now would be worth 4 pennies in 1774.
The current value of the dollar is worth less than 4 pennies when compared to the 1913 dollar. The dollar has lost more than 97% of it's purchasing power in less than 100 years- and it's gonna get far worse when other nations and people start dumping their Treasury Bonds on the market!

The more US dollars they print- the more they dilute the value of every dollar in possession.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member


31,000 scientists say the worlds climate follows the sun, which has an 11 year cycle

who to believe...... a 1 month RIU member? or a shit load of scientists

watch out for that manbearpig
"Manbearpig"..................that was a great episode.
The current value of the dollar is worth less than 4 pennies when compared to the 1913 dollar. The dollar has lost more than 97% of it's purchasing power in less than 100 years- and it's gonna get far worse when other nations and people start dumping their Treasury Bonds on the market!

The more US dollars they print- the more they dilute the value of every dollar in possession.
Nope! :bigjoint: It's worth a little under 4 pennies.