• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???


New Member
It's our govt. spending/regulating away our competitiveness which is ruining the globalization process. It's no fun being the Brazil of the 80's in a global market....that's how we are going to be unless Obama & Congress are stopped.


Well-Known Member
Globalization will eventually turn currencies into nothing. Cause that what it really is. Paper should have no huge value.


Well-Known Member
I think some of you at least have an understanding of globilization & what it is, but I'm off to work so we'll continue this discussion later...take care of yourselves.


New Member
Globalization will eventually turn currencies into nothing. Cause that what it really is. Paper should have no huge value.

It's not about the paper...it's the promise behind the paper.... that's what money really is.

We are at the point of breaking credulity with our promises.


Well-Known Member
You know the funny thing is that I truly believe we did not get into this fiscal mess by accident. In order to remove US sovereignty you must first debase and debauch the currency. That is happening right now as the US must borrow money to operate its government, but no one is lending so they are just outright printing it. This will cause a great upheaval in a couple short years. Once the money is worthless the people will literally beg to have something to use as currency again as the USA has no gold anymore. Someone mentioned we had 10,000 tons, well we DID have that much back in 1954, but they haven't audited that gold since then and we have leased thousands of tons to other central banks, which were then sold on the open market to control gold prices. Nay, if they were to actually look for the gold in Fort Knox and West Point they would find bare vaults with IOU's from other countries that do not have any either. There is a Huge Default coming. If you truly want to know how your future will be , all you have to do is look at the price of gold. When the price of gold rises, the wealth of the USA decreases, at some point gold price is going to start moving really fast. $20-30 a day increases over the long haul. When gold costs 3 times todays price you can rest assured that your dollar can't even buy a gumball out of the machine. Gasoline will be $20 a gallon. bread and milk will each cost $10-$20 and to top it all off if you are employed you will be working for the same or less wages if you have a job at all. Food will consume 90% of your cash and you won't be able to afford your home, your car or anything else you bought on credit.

The dollar isn't falling because of some "oops" moments. The US didn't go from the gal she was to this broken relic, owing the world, with a ruined manufacturing base because of a string of bad decisions. The Dollar, and the US in total is in the shape she's in right now because it was planned that way for many years. The bankers and the Transnational Corporate conglomerates gorged themselves on trillions worth of profits, by fleecing the middle class. We are living through the end game of 40 years of pre planned US obsolescence. India sees it. China not only sees it, but Billionaire George Soros, one of the mega elites told us all recently that China will emerge as the big dog once the final destination of the dollar is complete and there's a new "world order".

And for those who think Obama isn't on board with "The New World Order". I give you from his very own mouth.........

A collapsing U.S. bond market will spell disaster for the pension funds, mutual funds, and insurance companies that hold bonds by the billions. Of greater concern to me, when the bond market ruptures, millions of retirees on fixed income could find themselves destitute.

At this point the U.S. government must borrow some $5 billion per day just to keep its head above water. And most holders of Uncle Sam's debt – foreign powers – are openly speaking out that they are getting closer and closer to cutting our government off or severely reducing its limit.

The desperate money printing now underway at the Fed is unprecedented in its scope – an attempt to reinflate the deflating credit bubble, which is driving rightly-skittish foreign financiers to make increasingly significant moves to evacuate their holdings out of the U.S. dollar.

The biggest candidates for dollar-dumping are the nominally-communist Chinese, who already hold some $2 trillion in U.S. debt.

The "core" of the Obama "financial recovery" plan is to goose the already-reluctant Chinese to escalate their exposure to U.S. bonds which finance Congressional stimulus pork-barrel spending, subsidize failed unionized industries, and soon, bail out many insolvent state governments.

The New York Times notes "In the last two months, President Wen Jiabo and other Chinese officials have expressed nervousness about their country's huge exposure to America's financial well-being."

Nobu Su, head of Taiwan's TMT Group (which ships commodities to China), told the London Telegraph that Beijing is trying to extricate itself from its vulnerability to the dollar. He notes of major Chinese purchases of hard commodities around the globe: "China has woken up. The West is a black hole with all this money being printed." Jim Lennon, the head of commodities at Macquarie bank, added: "They [the Chinese] are definitely buying metals to diversify out of U.S. Treasuries and dollar holdings."

Make no mistake – the Chinese (among others) are scouring the globe right now – snapping up copper, oil, gold, silver and anything else tangible they can get their hands on to position themselves outside of a U.S. dollar hanging by a thread.

Financially, the U.S. is on a Road With No Turns

Chinese worries about the debasement of the dollar are quite VALID. The U.S. money supply expanded by a jaw dropping 271% in the opening weeks of 2009. Then in mid-March the Fed announced plans to expand the money supply by another 50-60%! Unfortunately, these inflationary policies come on the heels of a staggering 990% annual money supply expansion in the last four months of '08 – as reported by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Board office.

Financial Sense analyst Brian Pretti just produced a remarkably well-documented report demonstrating why the Fed has had no option but to begin directly funding U.S. government debt (nearly $2 trillion worth of new IOUs will be issued in 2009 alone) through the creation of printing press money because of flagging demand from China, Japan, and private investors.

We are witness to the end of a 38-year experiment – in which global currencies linked to the dollar (and with no gold backing anywhere) are reaching the final inevitable stages of all fiat money. When the Weimar Republic, and more recently, Zimbabwe, began to monetize their debt, the countries plunged into hyperinflation.

In short, the United States is attempting to print its way out of debt. And that means the value of the dollars you hold is destined to go down significantly.

The Richmond, Virginia-based Brinks Security corporation reports record silver and gold deliveries to private U.S. citizens. Tony Klancic of the Chicago-based Lind-Waldock commodities brokerage says he is inundated by calls from individual investors to obtain delivery of physical gold bullion. Scott Thomas, CEO of the American Precious Metals Exchange, says of physical gold and silver sales: "We're having some of our strongest months ever... the bottom line is our numbers are probably double what they were last year, and last year was very busy."

The Wall Street Journal
recently noted, "Investors are flocking to gold coins. At the U.S. Mint, a total of 147,500 American Eagle gold bullion coins were sold in the first two months of this year, a surge of 176% from the same period last year."

Peter Monk, Chairman of Barrick Gold Corporation (the world's largest gold producer), recently indicated he has received a significant number of calls from wealthy investors seeking to buy large amounts of physical bullion. Getting physical gold has become so difficult that Wachovia Securities is no longer purchasing physical precious metals for its clients – opting instead for selling paper "shares" in exchange-traded funds.

Last year the Perth Mint had to stop accepting orders for physical gold and silver – the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee notes that the Perth Mint is working seven-days a week, 24-hours a days just to catch up on back orders. Perth Mint treasurer and manager Nigel Moffatt told Bloomberg, "We're seeing a continuing, but heavy bias toward investors out of the U.S." And The Financial Times reported in February that retail investors in France have become net buyers of gold for the first time in 25 years. Such examples are almost endless!

Even before Obama was sworn in, unfunded federal liabilities had blown past half-a-million dollars per U.S. family of four. Federal finances are in such shambles David Walker, Comptroller of the Currency, resigned in disgust at the tail-end of the Bush administration.

Worse is what's happened since Walker resigned. As Rep. Ron Paul recently wrote, 'the trillions of dollars created to bail out banks in just the past six months have added the equivalent of a whole new federal establishment to Uncle Sam’s bloated obligations'.

Obama’s new spending obligations stagger the imagination, amounting to...
More spending than the socialistic New Deal...
More spending than the entire Iraq War...
More spending than the 1980s savings and loan bailout...
More spending than the Korean War...


A new report by the Congressional Budget Office shows rising unemployment and falling tax revenue will likely force the Social Security "Trust Fund" into annual deficits as soon as 2010 – a full decade before the Comptroller General's office had been warning it would happen.

Recently Bloomberg tabulated the continuously-growing U.S. government takeover of the private-sector (in the form of loans, guarantees and other commitments). So far, taxpayers have been saddled with an ADDITIONAL $12.8 trillion in unpayable debt.

These federal bailouts now amount to 90.14% of America's annual gross domestic product – nearly our entire output for a year! Imagine that, for every $1.00 you make, brand new federal bailouts now have a claim to more than 90% of your hard-earned money.

What's especially infuriating to me is that the Federal Reserve refuses to disclose to the public who has been on the receiving end of all its bailout dough, or exactly what's now on its ballooning balance sheet. The Fed's own Inspector General in recent Congressional testimony admitted after much waffling and obfuscating that she 'cannot account for trillions of dollars in off-balance-sheet transactions and has absolutely no idea how much the secretive central bank is losing on its "investments."'

As scandalous as the massive corporate bailouts are, they pale in comparison to those that will be required for Social Security and Medicare.

A recent editorial in Barron's states flatly – "Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, indeed the full freight of the federal government constitutes a Ponzi scheme in plain sight. Income is recycled to pay benefits; no new wealth is created."

How ironic that the feds locked up Bernie Madoff and threw away the key (and rightly so) over his Ponzi swindle, when the U.S. government itself is the operator and tireless defender of the most gigantic Ponzi scheme ever, with you and me and millions of Americans holding the bag!

U.S. public and private debt now amounts to nearly four times the gross domestic product. In the midst of the Great Depression, total debt topped out at three times GDP. That suggests the current financial crisis could be even more severe in magnitude and length.

No wonder Standard & Poor's quietly reported that Treasury bonds are poised to lose their AAA-rating because of the way Washington is indulging in emergency cash creation and massive spending programs.

MarketWatch recently reported another disturbing and telling warning sign: The cost to buy insurance against U.S. sovereign debt has surged by a factor of seven as compared to a year ago and is 60% higher than at the end of 2008.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
"No wonder Standard & Poor's quietly reported that Treasury bonds are poised to lose their AAA-rating because of the way Washington is indulging in emergency cash creation and massive spending programs."

Wrong - the rating was actually affirmed by S&P as Britain's was placed on negative watch.

Trust me, the U.S. isn't losing that rating anytime soon (rightly or wrongly, it's more about politics then creditworthiness at this point).

I used to buy and sell these (Treasurys as well as corporates), if you're wondering where I get my "expertise" from.

EDIT: I actually think that Britain was put on negative outlook (there's actually a difference).
"No wonder Standard & Poor's quietly reported that Treasury bonds are poised to lose their AAA-rating because of the way Washington is indulging in emergency cash creation and massive spending programs."

Wrong - the rating was actually affirmed by S&P as Britain's was placed on negative watch.

Trust me, the U.S. isn't losing that rating anytime soon (rightly or wrongly, it's more about politics then creditworthiness at this point).

I used to buy and sell these (Treasurys as well as corporates), if you're wondering where I get my "expertise" from.

EDIT: I actually think that Britain was put on negative outlook (there's actually a difference).
Yet when all things are taken into account- the picture is NOT pretty.
And the number crunchers were/have been wrong about many, many things.

The 'creditworthyness' of the US is plummeting and is why the rating MAY be lowered in the near future. Within 2010 is agreed by most.


New Member
You would have to ask the Russian that came up with that map.
It is BS, IMO.
He is just spouting off.

About the currency there are two schools forming even now on money.
It seems the banks may begin cutting our credit.
Making us live within our means.
Speculation is we are headed towards deflation.
Which almost as bad IMO as hyperinflation.

I don't know about that either way.

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will.
If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
-Quotes from David Rockerfeller’s Memoirs (Random House, New York, 2002) Chapter 27, pages 404 and 405

I don't know if there is a conspiracy.
I'm fairy certain their are several competing conspiracies.
What they are who knows, honestly who really care.
In the end we either protect this country
its Constitution and Declaration of Independance or we don't.

We used to be Americans.
We used to believe in freedom.
Generations fought and died defending our rights.
We stormed beaches fighting for the freedom
this generation so calously shrugs off as frivilous.

Don't worry you'll get your socialism.
You'll get free healthcare.
You'll get Cap and Trade.
We'll keep our Patriot act.
and invade the world to make it safe for corpratism.
Just keep playing your X-Box.
There is nothing you can do to change it anyway.
Hey Ilk, got to scold you. The thing is, we the people have been getting fucked by the rich and powerful for so long, we have discovered it is no longer our country. We are but pawns in the game of life. The rich elites, (I consider federal politicians, hell most politicians to be in this category) are controlling and enjoying the fruits of our labor. We have absolutely no say in what the country does, we really never have. The founding fathers were the elites of their time. The vote, a complete joke. There are only a couple a candidates on most elections, you have a choice, asshole A or asshole B. By the time anyone gets to the point of being electable, they are so corrupted they don't care one damn bit about the constituency. Only if they feel they might not get re-elected do they consider us, then they look long and hard at the choices, go with the money or the people, and guess what, 99.9% of the time they go with the money. Case in point, healthcare reform. Basically, the health insurance industry has written the new healthcare bill. If they get their way (and I'm pretty sure they will), they will 86 the public option. Then they will have mandated buying of their premiums with no price controls, a sweet deal for sure. I'm even doubtful if we get Pre-existing or dumping in the bill.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
"The 'creditworthyness' of the US is plummeting and is why the rating MAY be lowered in the near future. Within 2010 is agreed by most."

Never met any of those people, and I've met lots.

Yes, the rating "may" be lowered by 2010, but that's an outlier in a scattereplot of opinions by people who have a clue.


Well-Known Member
So med you answer is more government power instead of personal freedom.
I just can't get behind that.
If we don't have the right to be left alone what do we have?
None of the rich people you talk about got to be in the position they are in without government power backing them.
Without government force they are just rich guys.


New Member
We the ppl have benefited from the rich like never before... and it has spawned a very selfish generation.

Uncoupled form principled economics, the "new" generation wishes for the easy teat of govt. to solve our problems (uhhh they don't).

The attitude is one of the peasants of the French revolution. The rich are to be bled dry.... it all ends in misery.

Like myself and many many others....we are holding back our assets.... and rightfully so.