can people of color be racist?

She said white males were in some way "inferior" or "the problem".

You know who famously used similar words to come up with a "Final Solution" to the "Jewish problem"??

before you godwin this thread, can you actually cite where she said whites were inferior?
I do clump groups of people together not by the color of their skin but by their actions.... What does that make me?

you're a racist.

your term for any garden variety lowlife of any skin color is "nigger", meaning you associate these unsavory qualities with one certain skin color rather than the other.

you are as dumb as the rest of the racists, and in just as much denial.
I use 'nig' but either way Even if I was to have zero connection with that term and skin color I'm still racist.

I don't think nig when I look at Carleton, but when I see people outside a welfare office with new clothes and flashy whips and neck tattoos I think .. Nigs., I don't holler it out the window it's internally

Btw the majority of people on welfare are white. Lazy overweight whites
This thread is so cool. I was raised in an all white area. Saw my first black person in 3rd grade. There is enviroment factors to race as well as hate. I also got held up by gun point at work by one of those blacks.

I use 'nig' but either way Even if I was to have zero connection with that term and skin color I'm still racist.

I don't think nig when I look at Carleton, but when I see people outside a welfare office with new clothes and flashy whips and neck tattoos I think .. Nigs., I don't holler it out the window it's internally

Btw the majority of people on welfare are white. Lazy overweight whites
The thing is that half of the members here who hold similar feelings refuse to admit it openly. They hide them. That is cowardly. Admission allows others understand your point of view and do with it what they will, when people have to hide their true intentions and feelings behind double speak and euphemism . . . It is cowardly.

This thread is so cool. I was raised in an all white area. Saw my first black person in 3rd grade. There is enviroment factors to race as well as hate. I also got held up by gun point at work by one of those blacks.

Environmental factors can play a serious role in an individual's opinions on others. If someone was beat everyday after school by a Mexican dude they might just not like Mexican folks. I can understand that.

Moving on and making new opinions and adapting, learning is what life is all about. We have all done silly things in our youth.
The thing is that half of the members here who hold similar feelings refuse to admit it openly. They hide them. That is cowardly. Admission allows others understand your point of view and do with it what they will, when people have to hide their true intentions and feelings behind double speak and euphemism . . . It is cowardly.

Environmental factors can play a serious role in an individual's opinions on others. If someone was beat everyday after school by a Mexican dude they might just not like Mexican folks. I can understand that.

Moving on and making new opinions and adapting, learning is what life is all about. We have all done silly things in our youth.
Well yeah I'm open about it to try to find an understanding despite being called a dumb racist I still do get valid information from buck being of course the foremost racist fighter on RIU. I assume he's pretty valid searching articles and what not in his spare time to win discussions, I trust him as an informed individual dispute the childish jeers. My understanding is racism is racism despite if you have any valid reason for thinking so your still racist. I just grew up with nig being used constantly it must just be my area.. Skin a knuckle, drop something people just blurt it out. I see how their correlation with something 'unsavory' and niggah is racist I've just been desensitized to it.

Follow up question..whites can be racist towards whites and is still the same dumb racism despite not crossing races correct? Example a white calling ALL whites something insulting

Also is their positive racism.. Like is saying all Kenyans are great runners, and whites are great at being overweight
this much attention.

I personally feel no need to check the colour of a persons skin before i would offer them help if they were suffering
i do not believe that a white person that is whipped/tortured suffers any less than a black or yellow person that is whipped/tortured

i do not believe the suffering of black slaves in anyway diminishes the suffering of the Irish or the jew or the homosexual
or any other group that has suffered, i am able to feel "empathy" towards all people
I personally feel no need to check the colour of a persons skin before i would offer them help if they were suffering
i do not believe that a white person that is whipped/tortured suffers any less than a black or yellow person that is whipped/tortured

i do not believe the suffering of black slaves in anyway diminishes the suffering of the Irish or the jew or the homosexual
or any other group that has suffered, i am able to feel "empathy" towards all people
You and I are in agreement on what you said. I'm not sure you understand the difference between life long and generational statutory slavery and the kind of forced servitude imposed on the Irish -- and British poor people too for that matter. That said, a person being lashed would not appreciate my distinction either. So this is a belabored point. Can we drop it?
You and I are in agreement on what you said. I'm not sure you understand the difference between life long and generational statutory slavery and the kind of forced servitude imposed on the Irish -- and British poor people too for that matter. That said, a person being lashed would not appreciate my distinction either. So this is a belabored point. Can we drop it?

you may of seen my league table of victims on the other page
i was never disputing how much black folk have suffered throughout history and i placed black folk well above the Irish on my table
i mentioned the Irish being picked on as is it is something i have personal experience of/ have directly witnessed on an "institutionalized level"
Looking at the definition of racism turns out I'm not racist, However my area is one of the most racist in the country. I do clump groups of people together not by the color of their skin but by their actions.... What does that make me?

Serious question.

Israeli government to pay African refugees $3,500 to leave.

HAHAHAHA. Does anyone else see the similarities between the current in-power Israeli government and those who have persecuted the Jewish people around the 30's?

"protect the Jewish and democratic character"

That government also talked about "purity" before. Too bad he is still in charge over there, Yahu.
The term was initially coined to discribe dark skinned ppl but took a sinister twist so how's a racist term acceptable especially with the history attached to it(which u have to take into concideration )
sorry but I can't agree with that word being said either by whites or of African decent. It's a hate term (simple as) that shouldn't be used by anyone black or white shits retrogressive were all equil ,are we not? no1 person shold have the right to say a wOrd over another that's a tad offence btw it's just a pet peeve of mine.
The term was initially coined to discribe dark skinned ppl but took a sinister twist so how's a racist term acceptable especially with the history attached to it(which u have to take into concideration )
sorry but I can't agree with that word being said either by whites or of African decent. It's a hate term (simple as) that shouldn't be used by anyone black or white shits retrogressive were all equil ,are we not? no1 person shold have the right to say a wOrd over another that's a tad offence btw it's just a pet peeve of mine.

okay, well you can tell this to their community..i'm sure they'll listen.

may be a pet peeve, but not your decision to make..that's the whole point.
Of course it's not my decision just my opinion. Lol @ their community. And I know mixed race ppl that hate that shit. Ppl dies for their independence n now they've these kids running around saying words they truly don't understand the history behind