Can plants Hermie during Veg. Phase?


Active Member
Title pretty much sums it up. Can a plant turn hermie in its early vegetative phase? Lets just say i messed up my timers and their dark period was interrupted several times for brief periods. Will this do any harm to my babies?

Also, if i wanted to change my light cycle around can i just do it or should the change be made gradually? For example right now my lights go off at 5 and then back on at 10. If i wanted to switch it to being like say 2 to 7 should i just do it or change it like an hour at a time or something?

ANy help is greatly appreciated....



New Member
Mines did. Out of 36 I have 5 females. And 15 female turned Hermie. And 10 males. And 6 males that turned hermied. All seeds from a feminized clone. That had a late harvest. I’m still vegging.