Can Seeds from Mids Grow Good Pot?

I am using seeds from some pretty good mids i had not to long ago, I was wondering if i can grow high quality buds from medium quality seeds.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Not much help to realy give bud to many factors are involded from genetics to the grower the
self as said plant it grow it best you can and see how it gos


Well-Known Member
hes right though. think of the amount of phenotypes. Also who knows if the strain was pollinated by another strain in the room it was grown (or outdoors for that matter). You could germ and veg 5 seeds and end up with 5 phenotypes. You never know.

But yes, I've grown out bag seed before from some dank I picked up, and yes it turned out great. Not saying thats always the case.

you could also have genetics that are prone to hermaphrodite.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, mid-grade bag seed can grow good bud.

One of my favorite moms (which I've kept for nearly two years) was sprouted from mid-grade bag seed. Of the handful of strains I've grown, she is by far the hardiest strain I've ever grown, one of the best producers (her side branches are quite big), she's not the most potent high but I still happily come back to her for a nice end of the day mellow session, and her buds are the best tasting of all the strains I've grown too.

However, all the hermies I've ever gotten were grown from bag seed.

Often, mids have great genetics, they're just not grown with quality in mind.


New Member
The answer is out there. I say do it, and find out!
I had some mids come in a few yrs ago, and it turned out hermies pollinated the crop...I got a few seeds, and nursed them til the turned out a decent harvest, and pretty sticky. Found out it was Brainwreck, and worked out very nicely for me & my client at the time.
Be good to her, and Mary Jane is kind back!


Active Member
Try em a see? you may find a diamond it the rough. If they are local seed you will have a good shot. clone the fast growers and if you do get the shizzle you can keep her as your own.


Active Member
bagseed seeds are almost always gonna be from a herms pollen if it aint tex mex ass flavo brick weed n it has seeds whats more likely that the grower didnt notice a male plant in the gr or a fem hermed out n played wit herself thus jizzing on the crop... bow


Well-Known Member
I am using seeds from some pretty good mids i had not to long ago, I was wondering if i can grow high quality buds from medium quality seeds.bongsmilie
In my opinion quality is about 50% genetics 50% environment.

That being said most growers r not letting males in their grow, so it is generally a herm that u get your bag seed from. This is a bad thing for genetics.


Sector 5 Moderator
You can have seeds from the very plant that won the Cannabis Cup and grow schwag, and you can take schwag and grow great pot; it all depends on how you grow and how GOOD you grow. If you're a dumbass and do stupid things, or you neglect your plants, you'll pay for it.


Well-Known Member
YES, if u take care of the plant like others are saying u will end up with some fire. As long as it wasn't from a genetic hermie.