Can smokers drive drunks home safely?


Active Member
FOR PROFIT addiction recovery centers receive large amounts of clientele from FOR PROFIT law enforcement ......
Boy ain't that the truth. It is a huge industry and a real money maker for the municipalities and all vendors in the chain. Especially the treatment centers that get a court ordered flow of clients.


Active Member
pitch - How did your friend fail?

Not my friend, just a fellow treatment center inductee. He failed the visual (glassy, blood shot eyes, slow responses to questions, smell of pot, etc), and failed the FST, at least did poorly enough to have the charge stick. He didn't help himself by being a self professed cop hater. After hearing his story, I'm surprised he didn't have cuts and bruises from his arrest.


New Member
I can't say I hate bad cops, but I do not like them.

Opcon-A? What does the con stand for anyway?

Smoking in the car?

How did he fail the Field Sobriety Test?

Did he get violent because he was high or because the cops did the same thing to him as Cesar Millan did to cartman?


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Quick story...

So last September i had just got my car out of the shop, my car is gutless and has absolutely no get up and go. When i got onto the freeway i noticed that my car seemed to be going faster then usual, so i decided to see how fast my car could go. My car topped out at a whopping 103 mph (ya i know its slow as fuck), shortly after that i started slowing down and lone behold a fuckin cop pulled me over, said he got me going 88 in a 65, he gave me the ticket and let me go.

Moral of the story is, i wasnt high and didnt have any weed on me and if i was either high or had herb i would have never been speeding there for i would have never got pulled over.

So ironicly in my case weed has helped with my driving.


Active Member
How did he fail the Field Sobriety Test?

Did he get violent because he was high or because the cops did the same thing to him as Cesar Millan did to cartman?

The FST results are as reported by the cop. Unless you spend thousands to defend yourself in a trial, you can not challenge the cops evidence. They also often do the FST out of sight of their on-board cameras. So it's your word against theirs. They routinely embellish facts to help their case stand.

He wasn't violent, just mouthy.


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New Member
that their FSTs should be conducted on camera, or refuse to cooperate. Speak politely and clearly (as possible).

So far, unless you can give an example of how he failed his FST, he did not.

I always get talkative when I'm high. My wife loves that fact when she wakes up in the morning.



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New Member
Some believe their Field Sobriety Tests (FST) should be conducted on camera, or refuse to cooperate.

Speak politely and clearly (as possible).

So far, unless you can give an example of how he failed his FST, he did not.


Active Member
I'm with Tempestormer back on the first page. When I first started smoking, being high was mind-blowing, and the experience escalated every time. My buddy and I who got into it together would always just head to our "smoking chamber" and stay put. We always went out in the middle of the night so we wouldn't run into people, because I didn't trust myself to act normal. We were some uncommonly goofy stoners for a while, so we didn't answer phones or go out in public, and driving didn't even cross our minds.

After we'd been smoking a few months, we started chilling with other friends who were more experienced, and they'd take us for rides passing around a bowl. Even at that stage it amazed me that people could operate a car perfectly while blazed. I think it's really one of those things where you get used to the feeling, and you get more experienced at being high, so you learn how to chill out, stay composed and focused, and then you can do anything high that you could ordinarily, just as safely. I've since gotten there, and I trust myself to do pretty much anything while high - not that I'm high all that often, just that if I had to deal with something, I could manage just fine. I can drive very safely and attentively, speak to normal people, go in public, etc. and be pretty much totally smooth. Just comes with time and experience, and I'm sure differs from person to person.


Active Member
that their FSTs should be conducted on camera, or refuse to cooperate. Speak politely and clearly (as possible).

So far, unless you can give an example of how he failed his FST, he did not.

I always get talkative when I'm high. My wife loves that fact when she wakes up in the morning.

You can fail a FST cold sober. All you have to do is fail one of the tests and they can keep going through different tests till you do fail.


Well-Known Member
m8 was stoned he said to me i got to stop or we will die...was like why, he said my eyes are about to shut down. :D

But otherwise yeah a stoner can drive very gud.... he even stops when he knows.. shit... unlike drunks.. there like fuck it... and there level of balance aso is so low that it cant compete with a stoners mindset at that moment.. i say stoners can drive a drunk home.. was thinking about that yesterday aswell + REP