Can some one help me out please ?


Well-Known Member
There in coco soil using house n garden a n b, and the house n garden cell 1 n 2 and a spoon full of molasses there just under six weeks, not all of them have it but I have noticed the veins on the leafs look a bit light n there suppose to be lemon haze there under 600w lights room temps bout 26 in day and about 19 of a night and humidity is about 58 in day and bout 38 in night just best I could do and oh is about 6.6 now I looked up and fort the ph could have Saink to do with it because I was doin it about 5.5 but any help would be appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
to begin with your PH for coco growing should be 5.8-6.3.
This stage you should also be running 1.6-1.8 EC.


New Member
Looks like a magnesium deficiency.House and Garden has 11% calcium is the base already, by adding extra calcium you can block out calcium and magnesium. I would say just add magnesium. I use House and Garden and I found with some genetics they need extra magnesium


Looks like Mg deficiency.
. First, adjust pH
Allow pH to rise a bit to allow better Mg uptake; 6.5 pH hould do. At this mark, all other elements will still be optimally uptaken.
. Evaluate for 5-7 days. You're halfway through flowering Lemon Haze, so you have time.
. Mg additive
If unresolved after 5-7 days @ 6.5 pH, consider adding Cutting Edge's Mag Amp or any other Mg-only additive.
Hazes and haze-derived hybrids are finicky--they tend to favor a conservative TDS/EC but start crying the minute there's too little of anything. Adjust base nutrient to allow incorporating a Mg additive.

"Argument is sugar, and the rest of us are flies"
-Richard Wald
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Well-Known Member
You're not supposed to give plants molasses. You will suffocate them. watch the nectar for the gods video. they're like the mythbuster guys.......kinda.


You're not supposed to give plants molasses. You will suffocate them. watch the nectar for the gods video. they're like the mythbuster guys.......kinda.
I'd have to agree on this. The only time I incorporate molasses is if if I'm brewing actively-aerated compost tea (AACT) at a rate of 1 tbs/5gal, no more. Rationale: to supplement simple carbs to rapidly-growing microbes. Other than that...I'd keep molasses out of the equation.
Good point!

"Argument is sugar, and the rest of us are flies"
-Richard Wald