Can someone confirm these as Root Aphids I am pissed


Well-Known Member
IF you're still in veg, hit them with some Spinosad. Capt Jacks is the same thing. Spray tops and bottoms of leafs at lights off, then do it again a week later.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a rice root aphid. Regular aphids hang out under leaves, if you found these in your hydroton its definitely root aphids.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I looked it up I have some Beaver Fungus coming you know Botanigard wp 22

and I have some nematoads in refrigerator must use those right away.

My inner bucker of my hydro individual systems pull out and can even be submerged

I am even willing to hit a dunk of Pyganic Pyrethrin

I will look up what Spinosad is.

I prefer not to kill my Beneficial Bacteria but so what I can always reinoccuate

it is just that's how I get away with slightly elevated Reservoir Temperatures by using Beneficial Bacteria in my rez...