Can someone confirm what sex these preflowers are?


Active Member
I started growing an auto and normal plant at the same time because I expected the auto to be done by now. It's day 60 and she just stopped stretching like a week ago, website says <8 weeks...

So I would like to confirm the sex of this normal seed so I can stop wasting nutes on it if it's male.

[Here's pics, tried not say what I think it is in this thread so as not to bias people.](

Was thinking I would have to flip the lights to figure it out, and was worried it could stress the auto, but then when refreshing myself on how to sex plants, remembered you can tell from preflowers by like 2 weeks ago supposedly... Just looking for some confirmation.

Thanks all!!!

[Here's some bonus pics of both plants](


Well-Known Member
Are you positive it is an auto ?

Most autos will sex / pre flower around day 30-35 ( average ) .
And it should be on at least 18/6 for proper growth.


Active Member
One is an auto and is flowering now.

The other that I'm sure about is definitely not an auto.

I just flipped both their lights to 12/12 to get the normal plant to show sex so I can stop wasting nutes on it if it's a male like I think

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
12/12 will just get you less yield on the auto...I carnt see any pre flowers, male or otherwise on the plant pictured. Doesnt look very developed for 60 days...