Can someone confirm?


Active Member
I believe I have multiple problems unfortunately and would like to see if someone with more experience can confirm. I think that the one picture of the leaves curling up is light burn? Also maybe nutrient deficiency on the yellowing leaves? My “expert” friend from Colorado came and cut most of the fan leaves off (which I believe was incorrect) and tied the branches down. I am in the middle of week 4 flowering. I also feel like I should be seeing some “buds” by now? Something I am doing wrong?



Well-Known Member
Once you have mums like that..its not growing much more or none at all..focus now is bud growth.
Tieing it back was a bit much at this point. But its ok. The tip burnage is not much i wouldnt worry


Active Member
Once you have mums like that..its not growing much more or none at all..focus now is bud growth.
Tieing it back was a bit much at this point. But its ok. The tip burnage is not much i wouldnt worry
Excellent thank you for the info. Excuse me for sounding ignorant but it’s been 7years since my last grow, how would I “focus on the buds” I mean how to I get them to turn into buds lol I’m on a 12/12 cycle. Water 1-2 times a week with fox farm nutes. What am I missing?


Active Member
Excellent thank you for the info. Excuse me for sounding ignorant but it’s been 7years since my last grow, how would I “focus on the buds” I mean how to I get them to turn into buds lol I’m on a 12/12 cycle. Water 1-2 times a week with fox farm nutes. What am I missing?
you have buds already, all the white hairy things on the top and sides of the stems are buds :/


Well-Known Member
you guys don't find that much defoliation to be a bit overkill? Just curious cause i need to do mine, but i was going to leave at least a few full leaves per branch, just as a good source for food if i fuck up my nutes or if they need it.. a little buffer.


Active Member
Your "expert" friend from Colorado butchered your plants.
I’ve heard that from a few people unfortunately. Think it’s worth keeping on? When should I expect for the buds to start looking more like buds? thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
I’ve heard that from a few people unfortunately. Think it’s worth keeping on? When should I expect for the buds to start looking more like buds? thanks for the help.
Of course it's worth keeping. The buds already look like buds. They take time to grow. You just have to be patient. You're six weeks away from harvest. Give it time.


Well-Known Member
You've been feeding them heavy N doses. Dark green. Back off on N a bit...maybe a few feedings of light dose PK to get the plant engaed in budding. Too much N discourages buds...


Well-Known Member
Definitely don't give up on it, its got buds already and they will get bigger still. I do think your friend went way over board. The idea of spread the plant out like that is great honestly, but should have been done in veg so the center had growth that filled in for more bud sites. Thats what training is all about maximizing the amount of canopy you can get light to :). I also would not have removed all the other leaves. I have nothing against some selective pruning, meaning removing a few leaves here and there to allow better light penetration or air flow. But he "defoliated" your plant. Now you are lighting up the stems, soil, and floor instead of the leaves. I really don't understand what guys that strip plants completely like that are thinking. Its going to slow in growth after being striped like that, and then it will pick back up the budding process. It will probably regrow a bunch of leaves first though. It will be much more impressive in about 6-7 weeks either way. As far as when it will finish, that is a question that can't be answered for another 6-7 weeks. Every plant progresses at its own rate. The genetics and environment will determine how slow that happens. Your plant has experienced some heavy stress, which will most likely slow it down.


Active Member
Definitely don't give up on it, its got buds already and they will get bigger still. I do think your friend went way over board. The idea of spread the plant out like that is great honestly, but should have been done in veg so the center had growth that filled in for more bud sites. Thats what training is all about maximizing the amount of canopy you can get light to :). I also would not have removed all the other leaves. I have nothing against some selective pruning, meaning removing a few leaves here and there to allow better light penetration or air flow. But he "defoliated" your plant. Now you are lighting up the stems, soil, and floor instead of the leaves. I really don't understand what guys that strip plants completely like that are thinking. Its going to slow in growth after being striped like that, and then it will pick back up the budding process. It will probably regrow a bunch of leaves first though. It will be much more impressive in about 6-7 weeks either way. As far as when it will finish, that is a question that can't be answered for another 6-7 weeks. Every plant progresses at its own rate. The genetics and environment will determine how slow that happens. Your plant has experienced some heavy stress, which will most likely slow it down.
Thank you. That does make sense. He cut it all back almost 3 weeks ago. Think it’s still dealing with stress?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Ya fried it

Looks like to much heat or Nitrogen naturally gets worse you can't undo what has been done