Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. Is it spreading? Affected areas getting worse? More info please. You will find the more information you include on your grow with your questions, the more responses you will get.


Active Member
Looks to me as if it were out doors correct? are there any other leaves with this problem check everything out carefuly and let me know u will usualy find it to look in a linear patern. I have had a problem like this b4 on some outdoors thats why im asking.


Active Member
Usually if the problem starts at the bottom of the plant and works its way to the top its some type of nute def. if the problem starts at the top of the plant and works its way down then its usually nute burn or ph flucuation, but theres also a lot of pests out there that can cause problems too


Well-Known Member
not sure what it is, never seen that before but as long as it doesnt get worse by spreading to other leaves i would say fuck it and leave it alone. you can do way more damage by trying to correct a problem that nobody is 100% sure of the cause.


Well-Known Member
not sure what it is, never seen that before but as long as it doesnt get worse by spreading to other leaves i would say fuck it and leave it alone. you can do way more damage by trying to correct a problem that nobody is 100% sure of the cause.
I agree completely. Remember if you go stabbing in the dark you may just kill the innocent. We need more info Countrygirl.


IMG_1327.jpgThis is the worst leaf. There are no signs of critters. 33 days from seed. They have only been indoors, 75 degrees, humidity 55, under fluorescence. I haven't been able to ph properly yet, hopefully later today. It isn't spreading, it seems that the areas that are affected were "born" that way (for a lack of better words lol) only on a few leaves old and new. I am using MG (I know I know) I haven't added any nutes. Thanks you guys for checking it out. I am new at asking for help so please bare with me. I have read all the "read here first" threads I could find, lots of good stuff in there but DAMN too much info lol.


Active Member
What color temp is your lights? I had same problem on mine, I think it was from using only 2700k light in the beginning...


Well-Known Member
much better pics. i use MG too and have never had anything like that before. but i have had a lot of seedlings with minor problems that i blame on the MG being too rich but 99% of the time the problems straighten themselves out as they get older.

there is a pic of a nute burned plant on this thread. its post #7 and its the third to last picture on that post. does that look like your plant at all? im sure its not that extreme though.. here is the link.


I am now using 4 40 watt full spectrum, color temp 5000 k and 2 wide spectrum plant/aquarium 40 watt, have no idea the color temp. Up until 2 days ago or so I was using all six of the plant/aquarium bulbs. I read a thread in here about lighting that suggested I was using the wrong spectrum. Wished I would have known that 5 grows ago lol.


much better pics. i use MG too and have never had anything like that before. but i have had a lot of seedlings with minor problems that i blame on the MG being too rich but 99% of the time the problems straighten themselves out as they get older.

there is a pic of a nute burned plant on this thread. its post #7 and its the third to last picture on that post. does that look like your plant at all? im sure its not that extreme though.. here is the link.
No, I don't think so... here is the whole plant.



that plant looks very healthy. i dont think you have anything to worry about.
That is great news. This is my last practice grow before I try my good seeds, almost postponed it again due to this issue. I shall carry on!

wait! Now that I have your attention, hang tight for a few I have another (much more interesting) issue I have been embarrassed to share LOL


Lol name ... Country girl .. pics posted.... MANS HANDS! OMG RUN! LOL
That doesn't exactly make my day :( I am not a young whipper snapper like you (obviously) but I assure you I am not a man. LOL I would post a pic of my face but I don't think I could take the beating... I shall go now to my facebook and share my broken heart with my girl friends, they will cheer me up.


Active Member
i say never mess with a woman, they put us men here and theyll take us out, not sure if most men know this to be fact but there was a time when women ruled the roost until men became afraid of the power they wielded. actual factual schtuff, now ill take the beating, and btw countrygirl, thats a pretty lil indica ya got going there. peace