Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?


Thanks Dicky

Here is my purple plant. It started turning purple right after I switched to flower, I didn't do anything about it and just let it run it's course. Actually it is the best smelling bud so far in my grows. What do you think? What should I do if this happens again?



Well-Known Member
I wonder if purple is always a deficiency.
purple is rarely a deficiency. it is usually genetics, cool temps and/or stress. lots of plants turn colors late in flower just like plants do outdoors in the fall. when you have a purple plant early in flower or in veg then i would say you have a problem.

i had this strain of bag seed that i grew for almost a year, just kept cloning to keep her alive, and her leaves (not the buds) always turned a very deep purple in the last 2 weeks of flower. i tried all sorts of different things cuz people always said it had to be deficient or stressed but that one was definitely genetics.


When I harvested her I only took the top 2/3 and left the bottom for another week because it was nice and green and looked like it could use more time. In that week all the leaves started turning purple! Any hoo the bud is killer so I'm happy. I am changing things a bit this grow, decided to do one more practice grow before the good seeds, phing this time, added dolomite to the soil and FF Big bloom at the 12/12 switch. We'll see what happens now...