Can someone help identify my strain?


This is my first grow. Have 1 girl, hidden in plain sight, love it. She is a good 6' tall and it would take 2 people to circle it. 2 questions really. 1) Does temperture have any affect on the flowering process time frame? I'm in the mountains, about 1/2 miles up in elevation, mid 80's daytime, low 60's at night, or is it strictly hours of light vs. dark. She started sprouting about 2 weeks ago. The second is how could I ID my strain? Alot of the stems on the main leaves are turning purple. Thanks for any tips.:joint:


Well-Known Member
purple stems and leaf could mean a magnesium def or cold night time temps..if the plant is healthy i am guessing the latter, how bout a pic


Well-Known Member
she look healthy, nice work....i have seen purple strains not turn purple until the temps start to hit 50 ..maybe you have a purple strain that will not turn purple for another month when temps dip...noway i could identify any strain from a pic man sorry


Well-Known Member
i agree with john... i think its probably a cannabis plant. i think its going to chalk up to bagseed... this in no way means its low quality... just some anonymous strain.
if you take pollen from a nice male and dab some on the lower pistils with a small paint brush... you can take the seeds and name them as your own strain. why not?
stability may be an issue down the road but what the hell? they were FREE... and you had fun doing it... and you will have learned something