can someone help me guess the weight?


Active Member

This is my first grow off cfls. I just chopped it down today. Can anyone help me guess the dry weight?



Well-Known Member
I would say approximately 40g dry.

Maybe a little more.

I take it that is a SHARPY marker for size reference? That is what i have based it on.



Active Member
thanks for the quick response jondamon!

yes, its a regular sized sharpie. 40g!? I was assuming less since in person, it does not seem like a lot but the picture makes it seem as if I have more than I actually own. haha


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha.

Like i said you may be suprised. BUt i am looking at the big cola just above the sharpy marker furthest to the right side and that looks to me to be around 5g-9g once dried.

I take it that your buds are pretty dense and not very airy.

then i stand by my guess.

Oh and another thing i seem to have a knack when it comes to guessing dry weights.

You see my AVATAR that was done for me by a friend on here who had 24plants growing in a spare bedroom and i guessed his final weight of 104.3ounces and he actually got 104.6ounces dry lol.

So i hope i havent lost my touch lol.



Active Member
not just your avatar, but your 2732 post and 'mr.ganja' title, I can tell you are an experienced grower/guesser haha

And if you could help me answer this question, Near the end of my grow, a bunch of smaller branches began to grow on the lower portions of the plant. You can see from the picture that I have a lot of small buds. Do you think I should have cut them off so more energy would be focused on the larger buds?


Well-Known Member
Alot of debate about this one.

Personally i clean everything off a plant around 1/3 of the way up it to allow the upper half to bask in the full light.

But some say leave it all, some say clean it off at the end of the day its really up to you and if you can try both scenarios to see what works best for you.

My personal opinion is that anything below the dense part of the canopy is not going to be getting as much light as the rest of the plant but will still pull from the finite energy of the plant.

Here are some pics of my plants and what i do to them.



Cheap Basterd

Active Member
Congratulations on a great first harvest endofwed. Regarless of weight you should be very proud that you pulled it off.

You're going to enjoy smoking that way more than something you bought from a dealer.

How long are you going to cure for?

Happy smoking


Active Member
It would be interesting if there was a side by side grow comparing cutting lower branches/leaves versus leaving them on... I'm sure someone has tried this.

and thank you for the kind words! Heres the setup if your interested. the plant was in a 1 gallon bucket for its entire life. constant res changes/refills was a big headache! I'm not sure how long to cure it for, but I definitely cant wait any longer.


Well-Known Member
Looks very nice bro!

I personally allow my plants to dry until the buds are crispy but the stems dont snap when bent over. Then i jar them. I tend to have a smaller jar for me to dib into and larger jars for the stuff im not going to touch other than to air them every 12hours.

Then i leave them in the jar for almost 24hours first and then air them for 30mins out on the worktops. Then re-jar for 12hours and open for 5mins then jar again for 12hours 5mins out etc etc.

IMO if you have a little jar for yourself to try and have another jar that you WILL NOT TOUCH for 2weeks to allow the aroma and flavour to come out properly then you will be thanking yourself you did. Its pretty hard not to touch any which is why i always have myself a little jar just for me during curing weeks then i can try the long cured vs the short cured ones and the difference is amazing!



Active Member
Good result man, id agree, you should get around 30-40g's, should be happy and proud. Rep man........