Can someone help me with sprouting?


About one day ago, I placed my germinated seed into soil, about 1/2 inch deep. I've been watering it a little every few hours, keeping the soil wet.Nothing has happened yet. Im worried that i put the seed to deep into the soil and maybe facing the wrong way. What should i do?
would it be a bad idea to dig the seed up and replant it?



Well-Known Member
No, just leave it be disturbing it isnt good, you wont see a seed pop from soil in 1 day, it will take a few days to a week, be patient. In the future you might wanna get some rooting blocks, I use rapid rooters, than I just plant these in soil.


Well-Known Member
Don't give water, just mist the soil until moist. You do not wnat to over water the rootlet. It's on it's way up give it a minute. Then when it pops up go slow, indirect light is best and just keep soil moist no misting the lil one. 24 hrs of light is better than 18/6 for first few weeks.