Can someone help please?


Active Member
I dont know what the problem is with this one, but the leaves are curling up and under. I am growing indoors in soil with a 600 HPS about 20 inches away from the tops. The temp stays right around 70 degrees and 60 at night, and they get water every three days. I would really appreciate any help you could give.



Well-Known Member
my plants sometimes droop a lil when i overnute them, go easy on their next fertilizer session and theyll probably look better


Well-Known Member
looks like over watering. do you check soil about a inch down to see if its dry? doesnt really need water every 3 days. should check it out. hope maybe that helps


Active Member
i was thinking that it might be overwatering, but i wasn't sure if it was a heat issue, because i just moved the light up a few days ago. could they just need more time to adjust?


Well-Known Member
looks like overwatering - you're in soil, right? the heat issues i had caused the leaves to bleach and turn pale-yellow (some were even brown and crispy). and if the lights are too far away the leaves point up - your leaves are pointing down indicating a problem with soil and/or water.


Well-Known Member
What is the ph in your water? I had a plant that took a nose dive because my ph was all screwed up. The leaves folded under and eventually I just cut it down. Yours looks fine, just check your ph.