Can someone help?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
And that helps the OP how????

If you need help transplanting I suggest you ask for help, but to come in here to bitch and moan about a product is bad form.


no the product is by far great for the plants but i was hoping i could just get others personal opinions on to why it is happening to my plants. so i took out the 2 lights and flushed the soil just incase and hoping tht it will do the job :) but thanks guys much appreciated

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i sugested get some tea. i never bitched about any product. u really think i need advice from u? u cant be serious. r u ? you know what im talking about.


well i have two fans blowing air through one end and out the other the temp is around 75-80 without those 2 85w :) so how would i bring up the humidity?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Check the humidity with a hygrometer before trying to correct. That sort of drooping is common with a wet heat that is steaming the plants. Dry heat usually creates tan, crispy, dead patches on the leaves, just like when plants get too close to the lights. They're surprisingly different symptoms, actually, considering that they're both from heat.


well at first i had a container filled with pellets to take out moisture from the air to avoid fungus and etc..... do u think tht may b causing low humidity? love the pic by the way :)

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
If it's working, yeah. The more fresh air your growroom gets, the less effect dehumidifiers will have.

I'm not sure where or how you checked the temp, but try setting a thermometer right in the area that leaves are drooping, if you haven't already. You could even hang it from a drooping branch.

It's strange that you have that one or two plants that are doing pretty well while the others are drooping. I think you might get more/better ideas if you post some more pics showing each whole plant.


well i have them in a closet space 5' x 2' and the taller plants are the ones with curling leaves
ill post pics in a bit for u

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Well again, check the temperature above the ok plants, right next to the worst curling leaves, if you haven't yet.

If it turns out to be heat from above then upgrading the cooling for your lights is the best fix. What kind of bulbs are you using? It sounded like they weren't HID's. You could try to find cooler bulbs to replace the ones you have. You could also separate the bulbs from the plants with a sheet of glass from a hardware store or Home Depot and use a fan(s) to cool them with air separate from the grow area. This will also allow the lights to get much closer to the plants, helping them grow bigger, faster.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
^^^ YUP best advise i'd say.. unless there is something you are leaving out that might effect the plants in that way, maybe hormones or a spray you used?