Can someone identify sex from these pictures?


New grow....first time ever doing it. Cuttings came off of a female mother but were not performed by me. Somehow it appears to me that EVERY plant in the room is a hermie, as they all look like this with the exception of maybe a couple...

What to do? They have been in a 12/12 state for almost three weeks, which by the way was too early based on what the person who gave me the cuttings said. The cuttings supplier explained they should be under 24/7 light for the first four weeks. The person actually helping me said NO, and that I should take their advice because I haven't done it before.

It appears to me they are flowering nicely...but it also appears that somehow they have also moved from female to both genders. Gardener thinks it is because of stress. Thinks maybe they have been under watered....

I am completely new and really only know what I've read on these forums. Would someone be willing to help walk me through wtf I should do. I am really at a loss here. Wondering if I should scrap and start over or finish it out and see what happens.

I can shoot some better pictures if that helps as well, but if someone would be kind enough to give some input, or ask more questions at least so I can give you more info that would be great!




Well-Known Member
thats a girl; congrats

you think it may be hermi? i dont see any balls or bananas...

if you see any balls or bananas take a closer pic of those, but as far as i can tell you have a nice flowering lady


Well-Known Member
it also appears that somehow they have also moved from female to both genders. I can shoot some better pictures if that helps
from the pictures you provided there are no male features visible. the first two pics are definitely female. the third pic is a little blurred but still looks 100% female. what features are you worried about?


The person helping with the gardening believes that inter-mixed in the hairs are "seed sacks." They are EXTREMELY small...but could quite possibly be...I have NO idea based on no previous experience.

FYI...all three pictures are the same plant


Well-Known Member
does your camera have macro settings?

your gardener could just be a fool and be confusing calyxes with male "pollen sacks"

did you have any other plants, a male perhaps, that could have pollenated the plant, proving your gardener right in that there are seed sacks


Well-Known Member
The person helping with the gardening believes that inter-mixed in the hairs are "seed sacks." They are EXTREMELY small...but could quite possibly be...I have NO idea based on no previous experience.

FYI...all three pictures are the same plant
Barring any evidence of herman characteristics, it's a girl. 100% girl. Yes, I'm sure.

You need to get a new garden helper. Your current one is an idiot.


There are a number of plants...and I didn't see anything that looked like what pictures of a male appear to be so I would say no to that....

Pictures were taken with a camera phone...I will take pictures with a quality camera and post in just a bit.


Well-Known Member
then ima say your gardener is a fool untill i see better pics

and no your crop is not fucked, if it has a few seeds the potency will go down a bit, but you will still have decent bud and seeds for your next grow


I'll get some posted as soon as I can...thanks a million for your input so far...I truly appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Okay...does that mean that the grow is f---ed?
not at all. even if its a pollinated female or hermie it will produce smokable bud and you'll have a seed supply for the future. it won't be as potent as Sensimilla but no reason to waste it. and if it is a hermie you can pull off the pollen sacks to prevent self-pollination.


New Pics...More input greatly appreciated!!!

Okay...after a ton of reading and even more close inspection I believe I may be in the clear and in fact the gardener is wrong! I think now that what she is pointing at when identifying the plant as "changing" to male she is speaking of the circled item in the picture. It is my belief that these are unpollinated caylxes (sp?) ...they all have two little hairs coming out of them and appear near the nodes on the lower part of the plants... it appears all previous posts are still supported....

There is absolutely no banana OR ball like features anywhere else that I can find. Can you guys comment some more on the new pics please?

thanks again guys!

On a side note...other than 24/7 light while these ladies were babies they have been under a 12/12 light schedule. We are on the third week of this schedule and they are only about a foot and a half tall. Would they have gotten bigger...therefore producing a bigger yield if they had run under the 24/7 light schedule longer? The gardener says they would only have produced longer buds....not more? Also wondering how long these should be let to go for...gardener thinks another six weeks? I am losing confidence quickly....I am thinking I should finish up quicker...restsart a new grow and let them go under the original light schedule for 4 weeks....

Thanks again!



New Pics...More input greatly appreciated!!!

Okay...after a ton of reading and even more close inspection I believe I may be in the clear and in fact the gardener is wrong! I think now that what she is pointing at when identifying the plant as "changing" to male she is speaking of the circled item in the picture. It is my belief that these are unpollinated caylxes (sp?) ...they all have two little hairs coming out of them and appear near the nodes on the lower part of the plants... it appears all previous posts are still supported....

There is absolutely no banana OR ball like features anywhere else that I can find. Can you guys comment some more on the new pics please?

thanks again guys!

On a side note...other than 24/7 light while these ladies were babies they have been under a 12/12 light schedule. We are on the third week of this schedule and they are only about a foot and a half tall. Would they have gotten bigger...therefore producing a bigger yield if they had run under the 24/7 light schedule longer? The gardener says they would only have produced longer buds....not more? Also wondering how long these should be let to go for...gardener thinks another six weeks? I am losing confidence quickly....I am thinking I should finish up quicker...restsart a new grow and let them go under the original light schedule for 4 weeks....

Thanks again!
Your gardener doesn't seem to have any clue about growing bud. Bigger plants = Bigger yields, for the most part. I wouldn't suggest throwing them back into veg at that state though. Just finish this crop and grow your next one in veg longer. Also, I suggest an 18/6 light schedule for your next crop; everything needs sleep, including plants. I usually grow them to the 6th or 7th level and then shock to determine sex, then throw them back into veg until I'm satisfied with the size before putting them back on 12/12.

As for the circled bit, that is definitely NOT a male flower. You can rest easy, and fire your gardener...


Well-Known Member
for only being 3 weeks into your 12/12 flowering schedule your plants are looking pretty good. they will put on more height and weight as they finish, i have 4 feet of vertical space to grow in before they hit my hps, i veg then under 18-6 untill they are 25-28 inches tall and by harvest time i normally have to tie them down to prevent them from burning on my light..

but so far it looks great. do you know the strain?

i would suggest taking your gardener friends advice not too seriously. it sounds that you allready have nore expierence then he does.


Member are some blown up pictures...I believe that looks like a this grow f'd? grower wants to throw the whole thing and start over. I think it's prolly close enough to just run it out and see how bad it seeds. any thoughts on how much longer before I harvest? baby provider says I should wait until the hair is 3/4 amber in idea what sort of time that means though...