Can someone Please Help Me.... My plant is whithering and dieing


Well-Known Member
Can someone Please help.... I have got no idea what I am doing and have recieved some advice that only kills my plant all the more..I actually need help from an expert not someone who thinks they know whats wrong009.jpg011.jpg010.jpg010.jpg008.jpg006.jpg All of the fan leaves rotted away. I cut all of them off.. My plant has been growing outside where it has been up to 110 degrees.. I dont know how often to feed them and the water I use is distilled.. I need some serious info.. I flushed it yesterday and changed the soil.. So it just got repoted.. It was way worse looking than this though yesterday. I cut out so much shriveled dead and dryed crap it made my plant look puny


Well-Known Member
the plant is done i'm afraid.

i know it's not the answer you want but i say throw it away and start again. nothing you do from now on will make that plant produce any bud worth smoking.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...nothing can save it now, unless you have the ability to bring it inside with some lights and let it reveg and then try to flower it again once it is healthy, but that will take 2x as long as just starting another plant.


Well-Known Member
Can someone atleast tell me what happened to it instead of telling me to just throw it away... Im just trying to understand man


Well-Known Member
with just a few minutes of searching you could easily diagnose this problem as seriously over nuted and possibly a ph issue. try and do something for yourself, nobody is going to babysit you, especially with your attitude.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say what caused it but, if you would like to try and bring them back (just for fun), I would flush the roots w/5.8 ph water, using a high quality meter to test the water, The roots wont take any food until the ph is right. in the mean time while the roots are flushing you can use a foiler spray, I have used H&G Magic Green with good results @ 5ml/gal. spray just before lights out saturating top and under side of leaves. your plants should show signs of recovering by the next day. flush once more before starting feeding @ 1/4 strength. Good Luck!


Hey, it's not game over as long as you have some green foliage. Looks like the heat got to her, try putting her in a semi shaded area if you're growing under the sun. Give it only half the nutes you've been giving and wait a couple weeks, see if she's willing to keep trying.

Also you could mix some crushed dolomite lime in with your water and water her with it, might help her green back up. Don't know your feeding schedule but personally I only add nutes every other time I water.

Good luck, don't give up.


Well-Known Member
clawing is the very traditional sign of nute burn. heat problems will result in an upward cupping or taco-ing of the leaves. these are basic problems and very easily differentiated.


Well-Known Member
Definately not heat stress, this is what happened to my baby when it got 105 outside in direct sunlight.. Just cause your using distilled water doesnt mean the pH is gonna stay at 7 forever, once opened micro-organisms will make the pH fluxuate up to about 8.5 or down to 5 sometimes. I would also get a pH meter and cut back on nutes for a little while and see what happens

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Do you have any pics of the fan leaves when they were rotting? This will help someone with more knowledge than me help diagnose the problem


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Definately not heat stress, this is what happened to my baby when it got 105 outside in direct sunlight.. Just cause your using distilled water doesnt mean the pH is gonna stay at 7 forever, once opened micro-organisms will make the pH fluxuate up to about 8.5 or down to 5 sometimes. I would also get a pH meter and cut back on nutes for a little while and see what happens

Best of luck!
i wouldnt say definately ... the ends are curled up and until this guy gives us more info theres no telling ... i have had plants look identical to that and it was heat stress.. a few days in the shade and loss of some foliage and they were back to normal


Well-Known Member
Thank you BMO!!! I put it in the shade this morning.... The only logical answer looks like yours... My plant looks identical to the small plant you posted.. Its been getting freaking hot out here and shes been in the sun all freaking day every freakin day


awesome, i hope it helps... mine were clones and it happened when i first brought them into the sun. i had to ease them... luckily my first day was cloudy .. then the next i found a tree...but the 3rd day i started direct sun with 2 hours then moved up 30 min/day until i reached 4 hours. then did a split with 4 in the morning til 4 in the evening until those ran together. also when i first started i either brought them out early or later in the evening when the sun wasnt at its strongest... where im at i have a uv index of 8-9 so it was hard on a few of the sensitive strains i lost :( ... prolly a lil too paranoid but its my first grow so im learning... keeps me posted on these and i hope it has helped! most of the time i dont comment cause i dont know much but i have seen that before... also as far as that schedule if you notice one turning away from the sun before the elapsed time , shade it...anyways good luck and good growing