can someone reccomend some nutes that i can get at my local home depot?


Active Member
go to lowes and pick up a few bottles of this the guaranteed analysis is 8-4-4 just double the dosage and make sure to dilute in water, they also have another brand that i recently found that is 9-4-4 but ive been using the 8-4-4 on a double dosage and it seems to be doing fine....heres a pic to help you spot it because it seems like they hide these bottles from me.....



Active Member
home depot should have a bunch of stuff, but a local plant-supply store is even better. I personally used 20-20-20 during the veg-cycle and a 10-30-20 during flowering. The kind I found at local plant-supply store was called Jack's Classic.
My cycle would go like this, and my plants were in 6" pots: Mon. = half-powered feed Wed. = full-power feed Fri. = half-power feed Sun. = flush with distilled water. Tuesday starts it over.

Any brand feed will work, they are all based off of the N-P-K numbers. This is simply the percentage (by weight) of the feed. So a Blossom Booster 10-30-20 simply means that feed is 10% Nitrogen 30% Phosphorus and 20% Potassium.

Everyone uses different strength and different ratio stuff. There are many combos that do the trick. Hope this helps!

...o and I just found this reading through the describes the exact feed I used:
I rotate fert blends as the plant *requires* them, not because it is "the thing to do." For example, when your plants are going thru the stretch phase during early flowering, they may need more N, especially if you're getting some yellowing in the lower/mid leaves. Give up the cannabis paradigms, and give them what they need. Go back to mild high P fert when the stretch ends, maintaining the foliage in a healthy state of growth until harvest for maximum yields. A 1-3-2 blend such as Peter's Pro Blossom Booster, 10-30-20, is one of the best flowering blends on the market because of several factors - it is higher in nitrate N and Mg. It is sold under the Jack's Classic label. An added benefit of Peter's blends is their use of high quality, very pure salts that will cut down on root burn.

....I used the Jack's Classic 20-20-20 for vegging and the Blossom booster described here for flowering.