Can Someone Tell Me From These Pics if I Should Flower? ++rep


Active Member
Hello everyone,
I have a few plants growing under a 400 watt MH for a little over 4 weeks now. How do I know when to switch to 12/12? Can I switch now? I have 6 feet of upward space to work with but 3 feet is taken up by the cool tube and hood and the size of the pots. I will be flowering under 400 watt HPS lamp. There are pics attached. Thanks for any help. +rep:leaf:



Active Member
I would wait another few weeks, but you can switch whenever you want to. I would let them fill out a little more, they seem to be a tad small for a month old. Were these clones?


Active Member
Thanks for the replies,
and no these are not clones they are some "thc bomb" seeds from there a way to tell when they're ready?


Active Member
Typically, maturity is reached when they start growing alternating nodes instead of opposing nodes. That is about the normal time to flower, but there is no set answer. Most everybody does it at their discretion for environment reasons. Just know that they will probably double in height during flower(maybe a bit more, but you can also tie it down if needed). How much space do you have from the tops of plants to your lights?


Active Member
What is the difference between alternating and opposing nodes? And its at about 14-16 inches over the tops, I had it at 12 but they started yellowing and drooping...thanks!


Active Member
Opposing nodes: the branches at the node will be straight across the plant from each other
Alternating nodes: you will only have one branch per node, and they will flip flop from one side of the stalk to the other

From your pictures, it appears you still have opposing.


Active Member
Okay, thanks for the info, should I lower my light u think? The tips of one of my plants is yellowing a little....


Active Member
That depends on heat. Your distance right now is a decent range. Can you feel any heat from the lights at the tops of the plants?

BTW, what I meant was how much total room do you have left above the tops of your plants.(Assuming light is all the way up)
Basically, how much grow space do you still have height-wise?


Active Member
I could go another up another maybe 3 1/2 box size is 3x3x6....and I feel some heat on the tops of the plants but not too too much, should I go up more?


Active Member
If you can feel a descent amount of heat, you need to back off a few more inches. Do you have a fan blowing in there? Circulation?

On the original question, I would still veg for another 2 weeks minimum. You should be fine on space. Were these Fem seeds or just regs.


Active Member
I have two fans moving the air around in the box and I have a 500cfm duct fan hooked up to my cool tube. and I have just some reg seeds....fem was too much hurt on my wallet..haha


I think that you are still too early to start flowering - you really want to wait at least until the nodes become alternating. On a side note, I am also growing THC Bomb from seed, just coming to the end of week 5 from planting the seed (two weeks for germination/seedling stage, and been in veg for a couple of weeks), but my plants look totally different from yours - mine have very wide broad leafs. I've attached a couple of pics for comparison, but I'm growing in a hydro system not soil which may explain the difference in size. Even now I'm looking at another couple of weeks before I think about changing to flower.


Well-Known Member
if you can hold the back of your hand a distance from the light, the plants can tolerate. too hot for you, too hot for them. start there, and back off a few inches.