Can someone tell me how to make diy rdwc system

larry, I run exactly what you're thinking about.
I originally started my hydro odyssey with an 8 site 5 gal bucket system plumbed together with uniseals and a simple central rez. Worked but it was prone to clogs and the uniseal WILL leak.
Last year I decided to run 4 of the 17 gal totes in a UC style. I used 2" bulkhead fittings and a single 700 gph mag drive pump to circulate and aerate the solution. All 4 totes are plumbed in series and it simply sucks solution out of the last tote and returns in waterfalls in the first tote. I was worried because it seemed too simple(: but it works perfectly. Runs 40 gals with the totes filled to just below the net lid baskets.
These look good:

These also:

Not sure what ones I am going to use but I am leaning towards the first ones.
I'd recommend you get threaded bulkheads. The inside. That way you can glue a male threaded adapter to the end of your pipe and screw it directly onto your bulkhead rather than gluing it permanently. Ita up to you. But it makes disassembling for cleaning that much easier. Will be mostly labeled at Threaded X Slip.
These guys have it ALL.

But this one inparticular.

Only thing I hated about those was the single gasket. I got it tto work finally, but you can buy an additional for very cheap here,

This is their bulkhead which I'm not sure comes with 1 or 2 gaskets. The models I've listed with one thin and one thicker are ideal.

Or just get this brand and be done with it. Not sure if its threaded though, thats the only thing.

you're oh so very welcome. ;D
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I made an undercurrent rdwc system for my veg setup, I used only 25mm (1 inch) grommets. Soaked them in boiled water for a minute till it was soft af, they still went in like a bitch. Can't wait to try get my 50mm (2in) grommets in my main flower system installed. Rate I will keep the system connected inbetween harvests, and I'm hoping to use a bottle-brush to clean inside the 50mm pipe connections between the buckets
I'd recommend you get threaded bulkheads. The inside. That way you can glue a male threaded adapter to the end of your pipe and screw it directly onto your bulkhead rather than gluing it permanently. Ita up to you. But it makes disassembling for cleaning that much easier. Will be mostly labeled at Threaded X Slip.
I was just gonna glue the PVC pipe to the bulkhead with the slip fit and use the bulkheads to connect and disconnect everything. I can still take it apart by undoing the bulkheads from the sites right? I figure less threads to leak and when you put it together you have to do the bulkheads anyway since screwing the pipe in on one end just unscrews it from the other. Am I missing something?
I made an undercurrent rdwc system for my veg setup, I used only 25mm (1 inch) grommets. Soaked them in boiled water for a minute till it was soft af, they still went in like a bitch. Can't wait to try get my 50mm (2in) grommets in my main flower system installed. Rate I will keep the system connected inbetween harvests, and I'm hoping to use a bottle-brush to clean inside the 50mm pipe connections between the buckets
Sometimes it helps to use a little silicone spray to lube the grommets up. Helps with tight hose on barbed fittings too. A little goes a long way.
I was just gonna glue the PVC pipe to the bulkhead with the slip fit and use the bulkheads to connect and disconnect everything. I can still take it apart by undoing the bulkheads from the sites right? I figure less threads to leak and when you put it together you have to do the bulkheads anyway since screwing the pipe in on one end just unscrews it from the other. Am I missing something?
You screw on one bulkhead beforehand, then install the other one. It's up to you. I would suggest threaded, because a couple wrap arounds of some Teflon tape and you're not gonna have leaks.
P.s. the company got back to me and the link I posted from QC Supply is Indeed threaded on the inlet. Very cool.
You screw on one bulkhead beforehand, then install the other one. It's up to you. I would suggest threaded, because a couple wrap arounds of some Teflon tape and you're not gonna have leaks.
P.s. the company got back to me and the link I posted from QC Supply is Indeed threaded on the inlet. Very cool.
so to connect the pvc you screw on the bulk head to the cut made and connect the male adapter then glue the pvc to the adapter?