Don't think so much of yourself my ffof post was not for you. Still doesn't change the biological fact that adding synthetic nutrients to an organic soil mix is problematic for organic soil is not a neutral medium for synthetic nutes. If you are using soil this way and successful good for you. Does not negate the fact using organic soil with chemical nutrients renders the organic medium useless. So all you have succeeded at it taken an expensive organic soil verses a neutral medium and neutralized it. You've managed to properly chemically feed your plants after neutralizing your organic soil. The person should start with a neutral medium so he can work on getting the proper PH and PPM in a medium designed for that, not organic soil.
Besides the day is coming and now is that the more users get educated the less they go for chemical fertilized product and more for organic. Don't believe me take a look around organic grown food is overtaking non organic.
Another point the more organic cannabis that hits the market the more demand will grow for it, with it superior taste and healthier aspect of not being grown or treated with chemicals will be the preferred product in the market and just like it's counter part in organic food, organic cannabis will raise the standard and bring in more $ pound for pound. IMHO
Pfffff, ya, im sure its not ment for me lol. I mention ffof with chemical fertz and you jump on that like a fat chick on drunk dick? And really, i dont think that my organic medium has been rendered useless by any means considering the pics i can keep on showin ya if you want. I prefer to use synthetic because its like a trained ninja when it attacks, when i want nutes i get them where i want them fast. Organic nutes remind me of a hippy. Whole bunch of wandering around in search of the their goal in life. Ive seen both used and i like one and you like the other. Its called a difference in opinion. Do you think that farmers use strictly organic nutrients on their crops? Well no they dont, and their crops dont fail nor does the soil become useless. Then come the end of the season its time to turn in some more organic matter and start using synthetic fertilizer once again. Theres a reason that orgainc farming demands more money, its a pain in the ass and your return on investment is smaller
So if you can get off yur soap box preachy mcpreacherson maybe we can figure out whats wrong with this guys plants. We both agree that a flush is a good idea right? Are we agreeing that theres a good chance theres some nutrient lockout going on due to salt build up in the medium? Or do we think that theres some burn going on? I pulled this quickly with a quick search of the interwebs for potassium toxisity - sound close?

Nitrogen Deficiency
The primary risk of too much potassium is a nitrogen deficiency. This will stunt the growth of the plant and lead to chlorosis, a yellowing of the foliage that first appears on older growth lower on the stem. The veins on the leaves will have a red tint. Newer leaves will be smaller in size. These effects can be countered by adding compost or applying a primarily nitrogen-based fertilizer while discontinuing application of potassium-rich fertilizers.
how about this?
When you have too much Potassium in your soil, it can lead to big troubles, like salt damage and acid fixation of the root system, as well as too much potassium can cause a calcium deficiency. Your fan leaves will show like a light to a dark yellow to whitish color in between the veins. Due to a molecular imbalance, potassium toxicity can cause a reduced uptake and lead to the deficiencies of Mg, and in some cases, Ca. Also leads to the other nutrients to not be absorbed properly leading to lots of other deficiency such as: magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron and can cause problems with calcium as well.
thats just a little over K info, IDK man, sound close? Personally, id do a quick flush and drop the ppms a little bit with maybe a more rounded out NPK value fertilizer if you have one and see how it goes. If you say that youve had constant problems theres probably somthing that your doing that needs some tweeking. Good luck man, it doesnt look that bad yet so hopefully you can work the bugs out before it gets bad