The whole argument by the way about Organic verses Non is really fucking annoying as each has its own perks and downfalls . I for one have a Master Gardener Degree and am fully educated about the living web within soil but none the less indoors I only use synthetics as I do not want any organic matter in my home , especially shit processed or not . Outdoors is a whole different world and I do grow a massive organic veggie gardens but if need be I am not afraid to pull out the non organic nutrients as I refuse to chase nute deficiencies while loosing yields with anything that I grow.
I realize there are some forms of inorganic nutrients that properly used will not kill soil web that will not under go chemical reactions in the soil producing acids ranging low as 1.2 or as high as 11.
I think we can both agree whatever would be available in the organic soil would not be accessible due to the PH imbalance. Since most chemical fertilizers are mostly macro nutrients NPK and very little of micro nutrients. It is easier than not to create such imbalances in the soil applying these kind of nutrients. Therefore again why bother with paying for soil, it's going to yo yo more then likely with the PH range and creates a higher level of a challenge to maintain as opposed a pure water reservoirs that are properly PHd and PPM regularly to ensure optimal feeding. So why waste the money on soil? Will you reuse it, less likely then if one were to be using a neutral based medium that can be cleansed with H202 over and over for reuse.
Typical standards for chemical ferts Urea (46-0-0), triple superphosphate (0-46-0) and potassium chloride (0-0-60 45-50 % chorlide) are used to make many conventional NPK fertilizers like 10-10-10.
With the urea is consumed by bacteria and will produce toxic anhydrous ammonia and it also reacts to water to produce toxic ammonium hydroxide with a PH of 11.6, kills microbes and harms seeds. Triple superphoshate is very acidic and binds with calcium in the soil. Making both unavailable. Potassium chloride raises levels 50-200, we know what chloride does to the microbeasties in the soil, it kills them. Though plants can uptake these chemicals in ionic form, they also can take up complex organic molecules and prefer natural sources for vitamins and other compounds to synthetic ones. Ie they prefer seaweed or molasses over iron sulfate.
Again not all chemical fertilizers are evil, but I wonder are you using the good ones:
Calcium Nitrate 15-0-0 (Unnecessary to many good organic forms that work just as well)
Monammonium Phosphate 11-52-0 (MAP) (Again Rock Phosphate will do the job)
Phosporic Acid (Food Grade 75-85%) (Many inexpensive organic options)
Bottom line I'd be afraid to consume the crap that is out there to appeal to greed, bigger isn't always better and a properly mix and balanced organic soil will not leave you chasing nutrient deficiencies. Especially those that self induced!