can someone tell this noob if this soilless mix is ok or a recipe for plant death?


Active Member
New to growing in peat moss. Im using Sunshine Mix #4 and I also bought a bag of perlite and coco coir stuff called "beyond peat". I was thinking a mix of 60% sunshine mix/20% perlite/20% coco coir. I wanted to add some domolite lime as a pH buffer but couldnt find any, also couldnt find any worm castings. They'll recieve plain water for 3 weeks and then Ill be feeding them with Bio Thrive grow and bloom with the addition of calmax and maybe a little KoolBloom at the last 3 weeks. Does this sound ok? Im a complete noob and dont really know what I'm doing. This is all just an educated guess based on the research I've done and the materials I have available. Does anyone have any suggestions or things they would change? Thanks a lot everyone I really appreciate any help I can get.


Well-Known Member
Keep looking for the lime.

POWDERED dolomite lime. Not pellets or hydrated. Sometimes, the package is labeled Garden Lime, but it's very common and not too many places don't have it. Lowes or HD is a good bet or almost any garden shop. A 40# bag is ~$10. The lime is a must with peat mixes, actually a must with any mix.

Worm castings are harder to find, but you can substitute Black Kow or the like, 0.5-0.5-0.5. Not as good as WC, but it will work.
