Can somone help guide me on what to do???


Well-Known Member
the plants closest to the lights seem to be doing the best, is there a way you could even the lights out to incorporate all the seeds?
also... hows the temp in your room, that might be a factor
The lights are pretty much over center of the entire plate. we rotate the plate at least 3 times a day to make sure all the plants get good light. I don't have a thermometer in the room, but we keep the a/c on 72 all the time. Also we have a 4" fan blowing directly on the lights and a 18" fan in front of the doorway keeping the room cool...Here's some pics I just took for day 7. Pic 1 is a shot of all 6 toddlers...Pic 2 is how the lights are centered above the plate. Pics 3 & 4 are the root systems breaking out of the peat. They are from the middle two plants in pic 1. I need to get them in some netpots but are not sure of what size to go with...does it matter??



Well-Known Member
also, has anyone ever heard of picking the tiny 2nd set of leaves (just growing on my plants) as a way of topping it early...?


Well-Known Member
Here are a pic of the plants day 7 the firs pic the tip of the leaf looks a little bent and yellow would anyone know whats wrong with it or is it ok???
And the second pic the little plant looks a little droopy on each side but its not yellow at all, would anyone know anything about that??? and on the better side of things pic 4 is one of our healthy seedlings....any comments and help would be great were new at this and have been trying to read up on it as much as we can...Thanx



Well-Known Member
how are the roots looking? and ph? temp?
well, you can see the roots in a pic a couple posts up. they are all pretty much looking like those...the ph is always at 6.0, and the temp i also posted about. i don't have a thermometer but our thermostat is set at 72F and we have two fans blowing straight on the lights at all times...except the dark cycle...


Active Member
Sometimes I like leaving the runts to grow, especially if your out in the bush. Ya never know what they will do.


Well-Known Member

Looks like everything is going good so far. Since you are new, allow me to give you a couple of my opinions.

1) First grow? I would recommend soil unless you have hydro experiance.
2) If going with soil, remember only water when soil is dry, you want those roots big and searching for H20.
3) If growing hydro, make sure you have a really good aeration system to prevent root rot.
4) If soil, NEVER use miracle grow
5) If Hydro I recommend botanicare's line of nutes.
6) As for the net size, I know nothing about ebb & Flow. Sorry

Your sprouts look fine. And so what if they are two different strains. I've seen dirt weed seeds turned into some high quality sensi (not cannibis cup quality, but still top grade). As for some plants looking sick..... It happens. The strongest will survive and reproduce, the weakest will die... Simply bad genetics. Thats why its good you started with so many. Some will die, a couple may be male, but 3 months from now you will be proud! Good luck, take pics, update us, and stay smart. :peace:


Active Member
I am a brand new grower myself, but this is what i would do...the lights are good, from everything i read, you have over 3k lumens with the CFL's which rox..I would let the first batch ride, because in my short time growin, i have learned mary jane does shit on her own terms, which drives us nubs nuts lol, the first batch just might be a strain that takes longer to mature, and if you have to, do what i am doing and buy more cfl and clip lamps to accomidate everyone...lowe's has clip lamps for 12 bucks a piece rated at 250 watts..not that cfls put that out lol..and i can get a pack of 3 100 watt cfls for 13 bucks, so you can keep everyone, on the cheap, gl and keep the pix comming:)


Active Member
bless america,
thx for the info on miracle gro, i was about to use it, what is cheap that i can use instead? Why is miracle gro a bad thing to use?


Well-Known Member
Your sprouts look fine. And so what if they are two different strains. I've seen dirt weed seeds turned into some high quality sensi (not cannibis cup quality, but still top grade). As for some plants looking sick..... It happens. The strongest will survive and reproduce, the weakest will die... Simply bad genetics. Thats why its good you started with so many. Some will die, a couple may be male, but 3 months from now you will be proud! Good luck, take pics, update us, and stay smart. :peace:
Thanks for the encouraging words...and we appreciate the advice. We try to read the forums everyday to stay on top of our "hobby". Sometimes though, one of our little sprouts want to get out of line and not do as it's Like the one in the second pic...I don't know if that leaf is like that because of heat stress, or humidity, or even lack of something. Also the one in pic 4 has brown tips all around it's leaves. I know it's hard to see in the pic but there are brown spots starting in the middle also. Anyway...The second pic is the left 2 plants. Then pics 3 & 4 are front row center and right...Finally the last two pics are back center and right. The first pic is our temp grow area...we put them in netpots and as you can see they are doing better than yesterday. Personally, I like the sprout in pic 4 the best. That's my fav. Which one(s) are you're favorites...?



Well-Known Member
Would anyone know why the leaves are turning brown around the tips and developing spots in the center? Also, they seem a little droopy I have been reading the FAQ" but I am also looking for other opinions in case there is something that I haven't come across...any suggestions would be appreciated.:mrgreen: oh the 2nd pic has brown spots on it and the 1st pic has the droopy yellow leaves on it and I havent used any nutes.



Well-Known Member
Alaskan Native fish emulsion (5-1-1) is a great cheap fert. Will not burn, but provides all the N your plants need.

As for the two pics of the sprouts, in my totally non-expert opinion I would say over-watering. Those two pics are classic traits of overwatering, espeacially at that stage of growth. Again I assert I AM NO PRO.


Active Member
Yaaay congratz, you have baby "potlets" keep up the good werk, your lights look great, wish mine would hurry the hell up and arrive..No, seriously tho, you are doing fine, they look like mine:)Just watch the water, because one of mine got stuck in the seed husk and looks yellow and stunted on the tips as well, prolly because it got overwatered

PS do ya think potlets should have 2 ts or one?


Well-Known Member
mistacurious...i think as soon as the sprout pops up from the soil is when you give it light....18 hrs. on/ 6 hrs. off....that's what we did anyway...good luck!


Well-Known Member
So an FPL transformer blew outside our house and left us without power for a little over 3 hours...:evil: so, here are some pics that I took a few min. ago...:wall:. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME THEY CAN RECOVER...!!!! The guy at the hydro store said to start with a 1/4 strength nute solution...but, they are on day this ok?



Active Member
Just look after them :) I have had worse looking potlings recover to grow big and strong :)


Active Member
it will be ok, when i first started mine, i was gonna try an 18/6 light schedule, and it backfired and they started to wilt, once i put the lites back on they were fine, just rotate under the lights, and unless they are bone dry no water or nutes untill they perk up:) I understand your worry tho, because power where i live dumps too from time to time..hasn't since i have had my pottletts, but it is due lol