Can the number of leaflets synchronize among different strains in the room?


Well-Known Member
Does this ever happen?

One cultivar (strain) change it's morphology (number of leaflets) to match a different cultivar adjacent to it?

For example, a plant that typically has 7 or more leaflets to grow only 5 leaflets?

Thank you for taking my dumb question.
Garden on!
No, to my knowledge cannabis doesn’t communicate with or sense other plants. The changes are more likely to be a response to something environmental.
I agree with mostly being environmental. Cannabis does communicate though, and has extra senses that we haven't even begun to be able to comprehend. When planted directly into the earth, the plants\roots have access to a network of bacteria that literally link everything together, and act like wires for transmission of current. Same with fungal mycelium, which can help plants communicate to one another.

The plants can directly signal each other using bioacoustic ultrasonic sounds ("click click!") that are far above the range of human hearing. Especially when they get stressed. Maybe it's more than just the environment, and the plants use their leaves like transmitters or receivers..? It would make sense to me that two leafs that are close to being the same shapes would be more in tune to resonate with each other, and maybe a reason why they would all morph and throw out the same leaflet patterns.
